Email and phone verification
Confirm emails and phone numbers of your applicants.
You can check the applicant phone number and email address to determine its reliability.
How it works
The email and phone verification procedure works as follows:
- Applicants provide their email address and/or phone number and get a one-time code (or OTP).
- Applicants are requested to confirm the code (or OTP) and if it is correct, the step is passed.
- The system checks the data and, according to the internal logic, returns the results as red, yellow, or green labels, depending on how much risk the specified email address or phone number poses.
Get started
To start using phone and email checks, do any of the following:
- Submit the applicant data via this API method.
- Collect the applicant data via WebSDK or MobileSDK during verification.
- Combine standard email and phone verification with email and phone risk assessment to get a detailed picture about your applicants.
- You can test email and phone verification in Sandbox mode. Once a daily texting limit expires, use the
code to test SMS sending for phone verification.
Review verification results
To view the verification results:
- In the Dashboard, go to the Applicants page and select a profile.
- Navigate to the Checks section and review the summary on the extracted and checked data.
Reduce fraud activities with email and phone risk assessment
Extend standard email and phone verification with additional email and phone risk assessment to understand the risk profile of your applicants during onboarding and make quick decisions for a wide range of cases in advance.
To activate advanced email and phone risk assessment, select the Email insights and Phone insights checkboxes in the verification level settings.
- Email and phone risk assessment is available at an additional cost. Contact us to learn more.
- OTP is not required for Email and phone risk assessment.
With email and phone risk assessment, the standard email and phone check results are extended with the following:
Updated about 1 month ago