Create questionnaire

Start collecting information from your applicants for effective verification.

Questionnaires consist of sections. Each section may contain one or more questions (items in API) and allows you to group them into different areas of application, depending on your scenario.

To create a questionnaire:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Questionnaires page and click Create a questionnaire.
  2. In Questionnaire settings, provide a questionnaire name which would be shown at the top-middle when applicants pass the questionnaire and enter an optional description.
  3. Check out the generated questionnaire ID and edit it if needed. The ID is used when working with API.
  4. Select the Allow team members to edit questionnaires checkbox to allow your team members to change questionnaires.
  5. Navigate to Questionnaire content to set up sections.



To change questionnaires, your Dashboard account must be granted the Change applicant’s personal data permission.

Set up questionnaire section

In Questionnaire content, you can group your questions into independent sections; each section per set of questions. You can add as many sections as you need, depending on your scenario.

To adjust a question section:

  1. Provide a section title that you want to be shown to your applicants. For example, you may want to group your questions into several sections in case you want to collect answers from different areas. This means that you can create several sections, each of them having different titles.
  2. In the Description field, enter an optional section description.
  3. In the ID field, review the automatically assigned identification number. You can use this number when specifying conditions or working via API.
  4. Via the switch button, identify if there will be a condition that defines the way how the data in each section should be displayed and processed. Such a condition might be based on answers to certain questions or whether the questions is answered at all. You can combine conditions by using logical operators, such as AND (&&) and OR (||). To refer to questions, use the Section id and Item id variables in the format sectionid.itemid.
  5. Go to the Question form to customize question details and add more questions to the section.
  6. To add another section, scroll down to the end of the page and click Add new section.

Add question

Specify question details. You can add as many questions as you need, depending on your scenario.

To specify questions:

  1. Provide a question title and enter an optional question description.
  2. In the ID field, review the automatically assigned identification number. You can use this number when specifying conditions or working via API.
  3. Select the Required checkbox if you want to mark the question as required. This way, your applicants will not be able to skip the question.
  4. From the Type of Question drop-down list, select a question type.
  5. Identify the text that will be shown in the placeholder.
  6. Adjust Advanced settings if you want to extend the default settings.
  7. Click Add option if you want to define custom values and configure risk scoring. Available only if Type of Question is Checkboxes, Multiple choice, or Dropdown.

Question types

Question types define the way the data should be collected. For example, if you want to receive some textual information from your applicants, you can select Short answer. If you want to give your applicants the ability to select from different options, you can opt for Checkboxes, Multiple choice, or Dropdown.

Available question types include:




Short answer


A simple text field.



An expandable text area.



An array of options. Creates check boxes.

Multiple choice


An array of options. Creates radio buttons.



An array of options. Creates a drop-down list.

Phone number


A phone number field.



A drop-down list with available countries.

File upload


Allows uploading a file as an attachment.


Allows uploading several files as an attachment.



A date field in format mm/dd/yyyy.

Date and time


A calendar control that allows you to select date and time.

Consent / Agreement


A single checkbox.


Advanced settings let you set auxiliary parameters, such as logical conditions and formats.

These settings are available when Type of Question is set to Short answer, Paragraph, or Multiple file upload.




A logical condition that defines the way how the data in each section should be displayed and processed. Such a condition is based on the answers to certain question or whether the question is answered at all. You can combine conditions by using logical operators, such as AND (&&) and OR (||). To refer to questions, use the Section id and Item id variables in the format sectionid.itemid.


Depending on which option is selected (Short answer, Paragraph, or Multiple file upload) and while answering the questions, applicants must adhere to the format that you define here. For example, you can force your applicants to provide only numeric answers or answers that fall within the specified range using the Minimum value and Maximum value.

These are the possible format options for managing answers:

  • Email — format for entering an email address value.
  • Maximum characters — format allowing to define the maximum string lengths.
  • Maximum value — format for defining the maximum value (number) that can be entered within the field.
  • Minimum characters — format allowing to define the minimum string lengths.
  • Minimum value — format for defining the minimum value (number) that can be entered within the field.
  • Range — format allowing to define a range of values that can be entered within the field.
  • Regular expression — format allowing to enter a regular expression.
  • Phone — a format option for entering a phone number.
  • Alpha spaces — format allowing to enter only letters of the Latin alphabet (both uppercase and lowercase) and spaces.
  • Numbers — format allowing to enter only numbers.


Options let you configure risk scoring.

Available options include:

ValueSets the value that you will get via the API after the applicant selects it.
TitleText description of the field shown to the user.
Risk scoreUpon completion of the questionnaire, the system simply sums up the number of points according to the applicant's answers. The way the received points are interpreted is decided independently, depending on your scenario. The risk score feature does not affect verification results.

Add section separators

Divide long questionnaires by adding the section separators between the sections. All the changes you make will be displayed on the preview screens. Use the navigation arrows to switch between the screens and view the changes.

To add a separator:

  1. Click Add section separator.
  2. Place the separator as needed using the drag-and-drop moving.