
This page lists the updates made to the React Native Module.



Changes marked in bold are possibly breaking.

Version 1.32.1

Released on 2024-07-15

  • German eID flow supported.
  • Seamless Docapture supported.
  • Bug fixes.

Version 1.31.3

Released on 2024-05-21

  • Added support for Additional verification actions.
  • Multi-region support.
  • Android: Questionnaire improvements.
  • Android: Obfuscation fixes.
  • iOS: From now on, by default, the font sizes are adjusted to respect the user's preference of Text Size.
    See Font Adjustments for details.
  • iOS: Improved quality of markdown rendering.
  • iOS: Added propagation of the initial values of the email/phone at the Email/Phone verification steps.
  • iOS: Fix for possible issues in input masks at the eKYC step.
  • iOS: Fix to prevent an unwanted behaviour at Questionnaire step in case of using nested conditions.
  • iOS: Various fixes for possible memory leaks.

Version 1.29.0

Released on 2023-11-20

  • Added an ability to capture documents automatically at Identity steps.
  • Android: Addition icons customization improvements.
  • Android: Phone mask support improvements.
  • Android: CamearaX library is updated (targetSdk=34+ is required now).
  • Android: Customization improvements.
  • Android: Minor bug fixes.
  • iOS: Improved quality of the video recording at Video Selfie step.
  • iOS: Fix for the false error reporting when the sdk is opened then closed right away.
  • iOS: Fix in order to allow re-uploading of a once uploaded document after the cancellation on Preview Screen.
  • iOS: Fix for a possible crash under iOS 17+ when the sdk fails to make a preview for a pdf file selected.
  • iOS: Fix to prevent colors.fieldBackground theme option to affect the background of the system's date picker.
  • Theme options added:

Version 1.28.0

Released on 2023-11-20

  • Added an ability to select speaking language for Video Identification.
  • Added a new fresh looking instructions for Video Identification.
  • Added support for multiply questionnaires.
  • Android: API 34 support.
  • Android: Customization improvements.
  • Android: Document photo quality detection.
  • Android: Minor bug fixes.
  • iOS: Added an ability to close the numeric keypad on form screens.
  • iOS: Improved quality of the images taken during Video Identification.
  • iOS: Improved behaviour of the input masks.
  • iOS: Added metrics.preferredDoubleSidePromptAction theme option to control Yes/No buttons order on the prompt about having the back side of a document.
  • iOS: Fix for metrics.fieldHeight theme option.
  • iOS: Fix for the possible breaking of the text layout at Agreements screen.
  • iOS: Fix for the workflow processing in case the target level has a customization with "Disable steps screen" option enabled.

Version 1.27.0

Released on 2023-08-31

  • Added Agreements screen.
  • Added support for masks in input fields.
  • Updated Video Identification instructions screen.
  • Liveness UI improvements.
  • JSON theme improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.25.0

Released on 2023-06-12

  • Xcode 14.1 and iOS 11 as minimum requirements according to App Store submission requirements.
  • Supported excludedCountries and includedCountries in the Country field at Applicant Data step.
  • Improved detection of bad photos.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.24.0

Released on 2023-04-21

  • Added support for e-KYC step that allows users to pass 1click verification.
  • Added a dedicated block on the Status Screen to display the common moderation comment in case if the user is the temporarily declined.
  • Added a Photo/PDF selector on the Camera screen on iOS to make it easier for the users to upload PDF files.
  • Added support for the separate instructions for PoA with Geolocation step (geolocation scene is introduced).
  • Improved the Questionnaire step to make the files uploaded be present under Attachments section in the dashboard.
  • Replaced toast notifications with the bottom-sheet popups.
  • Minor VideoIdent and Questionnaire related fixes.

Version 1.23.0

Released on 2023-02-13

  • The bitcode has been removed on iOS platform (according to Xcode 14 Release Notes the bitcode is deprecated and the App Store no longer accepts bitcode submissions from Xcode 14).
  • Added a dedicated welcome screen for VideoIdent step.
  • Added a confirmation popup when closing VideoIdent screen.
  • Instructions for “Selfie with a document” and “Web camera photo” selfie steps are separated as from now.
  • Video Identification, Applicant Data and Questionnaire related fixes.

Version 1.22.2

Released on 2023-01-11

  • The old-fashion flow based initialization has been removed as from now.
  • From now on the sdk will be closed automatically in 3 seconds once the applicant is approved (see Dismissal).
  • Switched to CameraX on Android.
  • Added ability to force disable Google ML Kit face detection on Android.
  • Added support for Applicant Workflows.
  • Added an ability to configure the Preferred Documents for IDENTITY* steps.
  • Added dropdowns for State selection at Aplicant Data step.
  • Added a way to fallback to photo at Proof of Residence step when geolocation is required but cannot be gathered.
  • Added an ability to display moderation comment for a temporarily rejected Video Identification step.
  • zh-tw and pt-br locales are case insensitive as from now.
  • Adaptive aggrement text layout depending on the text's language.
  • Varions minor fixes and improvements that affects Analytics, Liveness, MRTDReader, Applicant Data and Geolocation modules.

Version 1.20.3

Released on 2022-11-10

  • Added country-based TIN validation.
  • Added support for Proof of Residence with geolocation (for iOS don't forget to add NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription into your Info.plist).
  • Added support for custom privacy links.
  • Added support for an ability to upload Identity documents from the gallery.
  • Questionnaire and Video Identification related fixes.

Version 1.20.0

Released on 2022-10-26

Version 1.19.7

Released on 2022-07-21

  • Added ApplicantLoaded event.
  • MRTDReader is improved to read the chips faster and more reliable.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

Version 1.19.5

Released on 2022-05-27

  • Support for Gradle 6+.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.19.4

Released on 2022-04-29

  • Applicant Data step redesign.
  • Questionnaire step related fixes and improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.19.2

Released on 2022-03-14

  • Added support for Questionnaire step.
  • Added support for MRTD documents (see MRTDReader module description for details).

Version 1.18.4

Released on 2021-12-30

  • Added support for phone/email verification steps.
  • Added ability to provide the applicant’s email and phone at the initialization stage.
  • If present, the Unified Agreement will be displayed instead of the sns_tos_PP_html text string.
  • Fix for zh-tw language on iOS.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.18.2

Released on 2021-10-20

  • Completely revised customization API.
  • Refreshed user interface.
  • Added ability to show Instructions screens.
  • Added optional level-based initialization (it will become the only way to initialize in next versions)
  • API level 21 (Android 5.0) or higher is required as from now.
  • iOS 15 related fixes.

Version 1.17.5

Released on 2021-07-07

  • Preparations for customization revamp.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.17.4

Released on 2021-05-27

  • Improved Liveness performance.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.17.0

Released on 2021-04-09

  • Added support for Module flow type.
  • Fixed the issue when camera stops sending frames under iOS 14.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.16.1

Released on 2021-03-11

  • Added an option to disable the document type and country selectors for Identity Document steps.
  • Added support for RTL languages.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.16.0

Released on 2021-02-20

  • Reworked Identity Document submission:
    • Added Country of issue and Document Type preselectors.
    • Added new Fast Fail feedback system to show if the submission has any issues.
  • Unified PoA and unknown docs backside collection (now asks user all the time).
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.15.1

Released on 2021-02-11

  • Synchronized with Android SDK 1.15.1.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.15.0

Released on 2021-01-19

  • Added document photo autorotation.
  • Improved Liveness perfomance.
  • Improved Camera-related error handling.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.14.3

Released on 2020-12-24

  • Fix to unify onStatusChanged parameters meaning for both iOS and Android platforms.
  • Android Gradle plugin upgraded to 4.1.1.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.14.2

Released on 2020-12-11

  • Improved low-light performance for our liveness detection.
  • Enhanced security.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • onActionResult optional handler added that allows you to handle the Face Auth action's result upon it's arrival from the backend. The user sees the "Processing..." screen at this moment. See Action Result Handler

Version 1.13.1

Released on 2020-10-22

  • Result structure is unified to return status field for both iOS and Android platforms
  • Support for Face Auth applicant action.

Version 1.13.0

Released on 2020-10-02

  • Support for FaceScan mode of the Liveness module.

Version 1.12.2

Released on 2020-09-01

  • Support for Selfie with Document.
  • Validation for Phone, Email and Date of Birth has been added at the APPLICANT_DATA step.
  • If needed, general moderation comment will be shown when the applicant is rejected.
  • Support for <b> and <i> tags within sns_step_*_prompt strings.
  • An omission of the numeric prefix when there is the only step on the initial Status Screen.
  • Drawing of the submitted state when the liveness result is uncertain, but the applicant is allowed to proceed.
  • Strings added: sns_step_SELFIE_photo_title, sns_step_SELFIE_photo_brief, sns_step_SELFIE_photo_details, sns_liveness_check_submitted.
  • Some small bugs fixed.
  • A way to customize iOS part with the native means by an IdensicMobileSDKCustomization class that could be added into the iOS project:
import Foundation
import IdensicMobileSDK

class IdensicMobileSDKCustomization: NSObject {

  @objc static func apply(_ sdk: SNSMobileSDK) {

    sdk.theme.sns_StatusHeaderTitleColor = .red

Version 1.12.1

Released on 2020-08-17

  • dismiss() method added to make SDK dismission easier.
  • Extended error handling upon uploading fail.
  • Added the option to choose a photo from the photo gallery at the PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE step.

Make sure to have the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription string in the iOS application's Info.plist file:

plutil -insert "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription" -string "Let's pick a photo" ios/${PWD##*/}/Info.plist

Version 1.12.0

Released on 2020-08-03

  • Support for APPLICANT_DATA step.
  • Ability to force locale with withLocale optional method.

Version 1.11.0

Released on 2020-07-07

  • Applicant flow based initialization (theflowName mandatory parameter has been added).
  • Translations are now managed from the dashboard.
  • .withDebug(boolean) builder option added.
  • .withSupportEmail(string) builder option added.
  • Various security related improvements.

Version 1.10.2

Released on 2020-06-08

  • Initial release.