WebSDK settings

Configure additional settings for your WebSDK integration.

In the WebSDK settings section, you can configure additional settings for your WebSDK integration to enhance its security and customize link redirection. For security, restrict WebSDK initialization to trusted domains and specify which domains are allowed. A secret key can also be configured to sign JWTs (JSON Web Tokens), ensuring safe data exchange. Additionally, you can provide your custom redirect URL, sending applicants to a domain of your choice.

Configure WebSDK settings

To configure the settings:

  1. In the Dashboard, open Dev space, and go to the WebSDK settings page.
  2. In the Domains to host WebSDK section, specify trusted domains where you allow WebSDK initialization. You can provide multiple domains by clicking Add domain and creating a new field for each domain.
  3. Create your own secret key that will be used to sign JWT (JSON Web Token) every time Sumsub generates it. This ensures that the token is authentic and its data has not been altered.
  4. [Optionally] In the External WebSDK link field, provide a URL that will redirect your applicants to the specified domain. Our system generates a JWT query parameter to verify the link, and if you set a secret key in the previous step, this parameter will be automatically added to the redirect URL.
  5. Test and save your changes.



Complete the steps described in this article before using this feature, to properly configure redirection links.