Test VASP data exchange

Exchange Travel Rule data with a test VASP to get a demonstration of the message submission process.

If you are looking to check how Sumsub processes your transactions before creating a real integration and see how the system behaves in certain situations, you are welcome to do so by using the test VASP — just upload your transactions and get life-like responses in a few clicks.

How test VASP data exchange works

The test VASP and the associated addresses work based on predefined algorithms. When you submit a transaction, the system runs the scenario where:

  • You are a Sumsub client that has a VASP profile set up and the beneficiary of the Travel Rule transaction.
  • You are sending an outbound transaction, and we use the test VASP to show you the responses that will be displayed in Production mode if the beneficiary VASP responds in the specified way.



The test VASP is available in Sandbox mode only.

Get started with test VASP data exchange

To create a transaction and send virtual assets, you need to collect and provide the transaction details:

  1. Switch to Sandbox mode.
  2. Create a transaction with the pre-defined wallet addresses, currency, chain, VASP, and full name, as described in the Test VASP transaction data table.
  3. Receive check results, including transaction statuses and webhooks.

Test VASP transaction data

The following table shows the information that will be used for the test VASP.

Test VASP data

Additional steps

Expected status






Beneficiary data

John Smith

Beneficiary VASP

Sumsub test Vasp



Sumsub performs the Travel Rule data exchange.

You can either approve or decline the transaction on your side based on the beneficiary's name.





Beneficiary data

Any name

Beneficiary VASP

Sumsub test Vasp



In a standard rule bundle, this transaction will be cancelled, as it will be declined during processing.

To receive the awaitingCounterparty status, disable the Travel Rule: Wallet does not belong to the counterparty VASP rule.





Beneficiary data

Any name

Beneficiary VASP

Sumsub test Vasp



The test VASP can not confirm the ownership, meaning that this wallet does not belong to them and was probably attributed mistakenly.





Beneficiary data

Any name

Beneficiary VASP

Sumsub test Vasp

Set the rule to assign the awaiting counterparty status and enable auto-approval after timeout.


The VASP can not respond in time. The auto-processing mechanism can be used to assign the transaction status (usually accept or decline it).





Beneficiary data

Any name

Beneficiary VASP

Blank field for the VASP name

Enrich the finished transaction with the Blockchain ID.


To complete the transaction processing, you or your client will need to provide the data about the finalized blockchain transaction. To test the system, you can use any txnId.





Beneficiary data

Any name

Beneficiary VASP

Blank field for the VASP name

Cancel the transaction.


As the VASP is not accessible through our system, Sumsub cannot conduct the Travel Rule data exchange. However, all the data is stored in the transaction.

You are free to cancel the transaction in question, if your regulations or policies require so.

Use test VASP data to try out Travel Rule rules

Sumsub offers pre-defined rule sets that you can use for Travel Rule data exchange. These rules automate various processes, from data collection to putting transactions on hold until the counterparty VASP completes the Due Diligence procedure.

Below are the tables that contain the prerequisites that you can use to generate sample transactions that meet the specific rule conditions for target applicants and test the system behavior. The first table contains the rules that you can test without pairs. In the second table, there are rules that can be tested in pairs only.

You can find the prerequisites to use when creating transactions and filling in the transaction data in the Prerequisites column of each table.



  • To learn how to install and edit the rules, refer to this article.
  • To learn more about testing rules, refer to this article.
  • To learn more about creating transactions, refer to this article.

Rules to be tested without pairs

Rule nameRule descriptionTransaction statusPrerequisites
Travel Rule: New TR data exchange requestGathers the applicant and counterparty data and selects the most suitable protocol for data exchange.PrescoringNo testing is expected. The rule must be installed to ensure proper Travel Rule data exchange.
Travel Rule: On holdTriggers when a mirrored transaction from another VASP remains unconfirmed.On HoldCreate an inbound mirrored transaction and only confirm the ownership of the wallet address.
Travel Rule: Pending counterparty VASP actionIndicates that the Travel Rule data has been shared and awaits counterparty VASP action.On HoldCreate a transaction to a VASP that is not reachable on Sumsub's network. This transaction will remain in this state till the confirmation time is off.

Sample VASP IDs to use: 6744813eba5, 1d561ba484876.
Travel Rule: Request expiredIndicates that the response from the counterparty VASP has not been received and the request has expired based on the travel rule confirmation timeout settings.Only ScoreSet up the time period for transaction confirmation.

Create a transaction.

Sample VASP IDs to use: 6744813eba5,
Travel Rule: Counterparty VASP confirmed data mismatchIndicates that the counterparty VASP from a supported protocol has confirmed that the data provided does not match their customer information.RejectedCreate a transaction to a VASP on another Sumsub-supported network, such as GTR or CODE. Mark it as wrong.

Use a random name for the beneficiary.
Do not specify Binance as the beneficiary VASP.

Wallet address to use: 1DpmTCYP22FfcAp4FrmivXQTgrebaDPjKj.
Not enough beneficiary informationValidates if the beneficiary details in transactions match those specified in travel rule settings.RejectMark the date of birth and the name as required in the Travel Rule settings.

Create a transaction; do not specify the beneficiary’s name or date of birth.
Not enough originator informationValidates if the originator details in transactions match those specified in travel rule settings.RejectMark the place of birth and the name as required in the Travel Rule settings.

Create an outbound transaction; do not specify the applicant’s place of birth.
Not enough counterparty dataValidates if the counterparty data is complete based on received information.RejectCreate an inbound or outbound transaction; do not specify the beneficiary’s name.
EU Travel Rule: Originator validationFlags outbound non-mirrored individual transactions missing required details: payment account ID, currency code, full name, or valid identification (POI, DOB, place of birth, address).RejectCreate an outbound transaction; do not specify the applicant’s name.
EU Travel Rule: Beneficiary validationRejects outbound individual transactions missing account ID, currency code, full name, or complete identity verification (POI, birth details, address).RejectCreate an outbound transaction; do not specify the beneficiary’s name.
EU Travel Rule: Beneficiary validationRejects inbound non-mirrored individual transactions missing account ID, currency code, full name, or complete identity verification (POI, birth details, address).RejectCreate an inbound transaction; do not specify the beneficiary’s name or place of birth.
EU Travel Rule: Originator validationRejects inbound transactions missing counterparty account ID, currency code, or full name. Applies to both individual and company applicants.RejectCreate an inbound transaction; do not specify the originator's name.
EU Travel Rule: Mirrored originator validationRejects mirrored incoming transactions missing required counterparty details: account ID (wallet address), currency code, or full name.

Applies to both individual and company applicants.
RejectCreate an outbound mirrored transaction; do not specify the originator's name or wallet.
UK Travel Rule: Beneficiary wallet address is missingIndicates that the beneficiary wallet address was not provided.On HoldCreate an outbound transaction; do not specify the beneficiary's wallet address.
UK Travel Rule: Beneficiary name is missingIndicates that the beneficiary name was not provided.On HoldCreate an outbound transaction; do not specify the beneficiary's name.
UK Travel Rule: Company address is missingIndicates that a company with an empty address field was used as the originator in the transaction.On HoldCreate an outbound transaction as a legal person; do not specify the applicant’s address.
UK Travel Rule: Company ID is missingIndicates that a company with an empty registration number field was used as the originator in the transaction.On HoldCreate a transaction as a legal person; do not specify the company registration number.
UK Travel Rule: Company name is missingIndicates that a company with an empty name field was used as the originator in the transaction.On HoldCreate a transaction as a 'legal person' without specifying the company name.
UK Travel Rule: Name is missingIndicates that an applicant with an empty name field was used as an originator in the transaction.On HoldCreate a transaction; do not specify the applicant’s name.
UK Travel Rule: Personal information is missingIndicates that an applicant with an empty date of birth field was used as an originator in the transaction.On HoldCreate a transaction; do not specify the applicant’s date of birth.
UK Travel Rule: Wallet address is missingIndicates that a wallet address was not provided for the applicant in the transaction.On HoldCreate a transaction; do not specify the applicant wallet address in the transaction payload.
Travel Rule: Counterparty VASP did not respondIndicates that the counterparty VASP did not respond.Only ScoreCreate a transaction to a VASP that is not reachable within Sumsub's protocol.

Test VAS IDs to use: 675c0cfca06, 5067f1d5bde2.
Travel Rule: VASP Screening (Due Diligence Status)Puts the transaction on hold when the receiving VASP’s Due Diligence Statusis not marked as Complete.On HoldCreate a transaction to a VASP; do not specify the Due Diligence Status.

Test VAS IDs to use: 675c0cfca06, 5067f1d5bde2.
Travel Rule: FCA watchlistIndicates that a transaction was carried out to a VASP the FCA has issued a warning against.RejectCreate a transaction to a VASP on the ClientListcalled "FCA Banned VASPs."
Travel Rule: UTXO TransactionGathers and populates the input or output wallet addresses in the travel rule transaction where only the blockchain hash is provided for blockchain transactions (specific blockchain types only).PrescoringCreate a transaction with a hash that has multiple beneficiaries on the BTC network.

Rules to be tested in pairs

Rule nameRule descriptionTransaction statusPrerequisites
Travel Rule: Counterparty Name Check: Pre-scoring

- Travel Rule: Counterparty Name Check
Checks counterparty names for dud details, obviously fake names, or strange names with numbers and specific symbols in them.

Indicates that the results of the counterparty name check prescoring rule are valid. Puts the transaction on hold until further review is done.
On HoldCreate a transaction with an obviously fake name containing numbers or special characters.
Travel Rule: Counterparty AML Screening- Travel Rule: Counterparty AML Screening—Hits to review.Initiates AML screening (Sanctions, PEP, Adverse Media) of the counterparty.

Indicates that potentially positive AMLhits have been found, and a manual review is required.
On HoldCreate a transaction for a really famous person. For example, a politician or actor.
Travel Rule: Counterparty AML Screening

- Travel Rule: Counterparty AML Screening - True Positive Hit
Initiates AML screening (Sanctions, PEP, Adverse Media) of the counterparty.

Indicates that true positive AML hits have been confirmed.
RejectCreate a transaction; review it transaction and mark the AML screening result as True Positive.
Travel Rule: Wallet does not belong to your organisation

- Travel Rule: Wallet does not belong to the counterparty VASP
Indicates that the wallet address does not belong to your organization. No personal information was shared.

Indicates that the counterparty VASP has confirmed that the wallet address does not belong to them. No personal data was shared.
RejectCreate a mirrored transaction. On the inbound transaction, reject the ownership of the wallet address.

On the inbound transaction, the Wallet does not belong to your organization/organisation rule will be triggered.

On the outbound transaction, the Wallet does not belong to the counterparty VASP rule will be triggered.
Travel Rule: Counterparty customer name mismatch

- Travel Rule: Customer name mismatch
Indicates that the submitted counterparty customer name does not match the information provided by the counterparty VASP.

Indicates that the submitted applicant name does not match the information provided by the counterparty VASP.
RejectCreate a mirrored transaction. On the mirrored inbound transaction, specify a name that is different from the expected beneficiary name.

On the inbound transaction, the Customer name mismatch rule will be triggered.

On the outbound transaction, the Counterparty customer name mismatch rule will be triggered.'
Travel Rule: Unhosted wallet verification

- Verify undiscovered wallets as unhosted
Triggers when the VASP is not found. Generates a unique link for wallet verification.

Puts transactions that have not been verified through the uniquely generated link on hold.
On HoldCreate a transaction to a wallet address that does not belong to a VASP.

Use an ETH as the asset and select/retrieve the WebSDK link from the dashboard.