Assure in real-time the clarity and compatibility of applicant-submitted documents.
When a document is uploaded to Sumsub, it passes through a series of automated checks. One of these checks utilizes the optical character recognition (OCR) technology to detect the following:
- All pages and sides of the document are uploaded.
- Document number and name fields are present, clearly visible, and can be recognized.
- Document image is not a screenshot.
- Image has not been cropped.
- Document is not considered expired or issued in the forbidden territory in accordance with the customer settings.
- Document image has not been rejected during previous iterations.
- Photo in the document contains the human face.
- In case the fastfail check is not passed, the system notifies the applicant and sends a document resubmission request immediately after they upload the photo of the document.
Error rejection tags
Errors do not let applicants proceed with verification using the presented document.
Tag | Description |
forbiddenDocument | Unsupported or unacceptable type/country of the document. |
differentDocTypeOrCountry | Document type or country do not match the ones specified by the applicant or recognized by the system. |
missingImportantInfo | Some of the required document data is missing or cannot be read. |
dataNotReadable | Data on the image is missing or cannot be read. |
expiredDoc | Document is expired. |
documentWayTooMuchOutside | Some parts of the document are cropped. |
noIdDocFacePhoto | Face is not clearly visible on the document. |
selfieFaceBadQuality | Face is not clearly visible on the selfie. |
screenRecapture | Provided image might be a photo or a screenshot. |
screenshot | Provided image is a screenshot. |
sameSides | Image of the same side of the document was uploaded as front and back sides. |
shouldBeMrzDocument | Provided document type should have an MRZ, but there is no readable MRZ on the image. |
shouldBeDoubleSided | Sides of the document should be provided. |
shouldBeDoublePaged | Full double-page photo of the document (usually, two main passport pages) is required. |
documentDeclinedBefore | Same image was uploaded earlier by the same applicant and declined by the system. |
mrzNotReadable | We could not extract the MRZ code from the uploaded document. This may happen due to a variety of reasons, such as poor image quality or some corners of the document are missing, which may include the MRZ area. |
docExpiresSoon | The submitted document is about to expire in N months. This is defined by the Minimum residual validity of ID document setting in the Dashboard. |
missingDob | The document does not contain the owner's date of birth. |
incompleteDob | The document does not contain the full date of birth (day, month, and year). |
Warning rejection tags
Warnings let applicants proceed with verification after retaking the document photo and providing missing information.
Tag | Description |
badSelfie | Face or the photo in the document is not clearly visible. |
dataReadability | Information in the document cannot be read. |
inconsistentDocument | Uploaded photos do not belong to the same document. |
maybeExpiredDoc | Document may be expired. |
documentTooMuchOutside | Document is not fully in the frame. |
Updated 12 months ago