Create custom rules

Create your own rules without using code.

You can create custom rules in a convenient constructor in the Dashboard. Each rule consists of the following components:

  • Rule trigger. Sets transaction types and sources to look for when monitoring transactions.
  • Rule action. Sets the action to be performed when the rule is applied, assigns the risk score, defines transaction tags to be assigned, sets priority, and regulates whether to cease any further transaction monitoring once the match is found.
  • Conditions. Sets conditions that should be considered when monitoring transactions.
  • Applicant change. Sets changes to be made to the applicant profile if the rule is matched, e.g. add a tag or note to the profile, change the verification level, set final rejection, and so on.

To create a rule:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Rules page and click Create rule.
  2. Give your rule a preferred name and optional description.
  3. Define rule triggers to match specific transaction types and sources.
  4. Set up rule actions to define how to treat transactions and applicants if the rule matches.
  5. Add condition and configure applicant actions.
  6. Save and test your rule.

Define rule triggers

Rule triggers let you define transaction types and sources upon encountering which the rule should be triggered.

To define the triggers:

  1. Select a transaction type to be checked by the rule.
  2. Select whether you want to process transactions issued by any source key or only the specified one.

Set up rule actions

Rule actions regulate what should be performed on transactions and applicants if the rule matches.

To set up the action:

  1. Select any of the following actions:
    • Only score — adds the specified value to the transaction risk score.
    • Put on hold — suspends the transaction by moving it into Queues for further investigation by the compliance team.
    • Awaiting user — requests an additional document or action from the applicant.
    • Reject — auto-rejects the transaction.
  2. Set the general score to be added to the transaction risk score if the rule matches.
  3. Add tags to transactions for further filtering.
  4. Set a priority based on which the rule should be triggered.
  5. Select Stop on match to terminate the transaction check if the rule is matched.

Build conditions

Conditions allow you to define the behaviour of how the rule should react on matches. You can set logical conditions, such as And and Or consisting of:

  • Values — let you set any value and specify how the transaction should be treated on matches.
  • Fields — let you build endless combinations consisting of various expressions.
  • Functions — let you select preconfigured functions and set their arguments.

To set up conditions:

  1. In the Conditions section, click Add condition.
  2. Select a logical condition that you want to be applied, such as IF or IF NOT.
  3. Select a variable type (Values, Fields, or Functions) and build a condition according to your scenario.
  4. Add an AND block if needed to continue the condition chain.
  5. Add score points if needed. For example, you can build a rule with two conditions, add a score to each condition, and leave the general score—the score you configure when setting up rule actions—empty. In this scenario, the total transaction score will depend on how many conditions have been triggered.
  6. Add an OR group if needed.

Configure applicant actions

By adding applicant actions, you can define the behaviour according to which applicant profiles should be processed.

To set up the actions:

  1. In the Affect applicant section, click Add action.
  2. Choose an action type:
    • Review applicant. Defines whether the applicant profile should be sent for review during which any of the following can be performed:
      • Applicant level change. When selected, choose from your verification levels and specify the level to which you want to switch the applicant.
      • The profile can be final-rejected. When selected, choose the rejection tags. For more information about rejection, see this article.
      • The profile can be sent to a compliance expert for manual review. When selected, choose an expert to whom you want to assign the profile.
    • Add tags. Allows you to add tags to the applicant profile.
    • Add note. Allows you to add reference notes clarifying certain transaction aspects.
    • Add risk level. Allows you to set the risk level as per your particular use case.
  3. Save your changes and test your rule.