Breaking changes in iOS SDK 1.34

In MSDK 1.34, it is required to change and update some of your colors in code manually since we will no longer set them automatically based on the values provided previously.

Look through the following conditions to understand whether you will be affected by the changes and find out what should be done next:

  • If you have not changed the contentLink, contentInfo, fieldTint, backgroundNeutral or backgroundCritical tokens, then nothing needs to be done.
  • If you have changed all the tokens from the list, then nothing needs to be done.
  • In other cases, go through the list of tokens carefully and set all the values, or make sure that these default color changes do not affect your interface in any way.


Ignoring the color adjustment may lead to the occurrence of incompatible and inappropriate settings:

  • The default Sumsub colors are used for the progress bar that reflects uploading a document photo.
  • The Done and Clear buttons above the date picker or numeric keypad are tinted in the Sumsub blue color.
  • There might be our default color setup chosen for the link-style buttons on the eID/Support Screen/EKYC/OTP screens.
  • The highlighted Country button within the phone field is in pale gray.
  • The input field in the failed validation state might be painted Sumsub’s default pale red.

Color tokens to customize

The following is a list of color tokens that should be potentially set up in MSDK 1.34.



Old behavior

New behavior


Color of the Country button in the phone input field in the highlighted state.

It was a fallback to fieldTint with 10% transparency.

Now it's accent blue.


Text color of the link-style button (not to be confused with the link in text).

It was a fallback to contentLink.

Now it's accent blue.


Text color of the disabled link-style button.

It was a fallback to contentLink with 40% transparency.

Now it's accent blue with 50% transparency.


Background color of the highlighted link-style button.

It was a fallback to contentLink with 10% transparency.

Now it's accent blue with 5% transparency.


Color of the input field that failed validation.

It was a fallback to backgroundCritical.

Now it's certain pale red.


Color of the button above the date picker or numeric keypad.

This token was set to contentNeutral without any fallback.

Now it's accent blue.


Background color of the progress bar.

It was a fallback to backgroundNeutral.

Now it's accent blue with 20% transparency.


Color of progress bar fill.

It was a fallback to contentInfo.

Now it's accent blue.


The following is an example of a quick resolution in the code where the accent color is taken as the base.

let accentColor = UIColor.purple // This is an example of your main accent color

colors.fieldButtonBackgroundHighlighted = accentColor.withAlphaComponent(0.2) 
colors.fieldBackgroundInvalid = colors.contentCritical.withAlphaComponent(0.1) // or colors.backgroundCritical 

colors.linkButtonContent = accentColor 
colors.linkButtonContentDisabled = accentColor.withAlphaComponent(0.5)  
colors.linkButtonBackgroundHighlighted = accentColor.withAlphaComponent(0.05) 

colors.toolbarTint = accentColor // or colors.contentNeutral 

colors.progressBarBackground = accentColor.withAlphaComponent(0.2)  
colors.progressBarTint = accentColor