Reset applicant profile

Resetting a profile allows you to mark all the documents uploaded by the applicant as inactive and delete the verification statuses assigned earlier.

You may need to reset a profile if you want the applicant to repeat the verification procedure from the beginning and re-upload their documents.

Get started

To reset a profile:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Applicants section and open an applicant profile.
  2. In the top menu, select Reset applicant.

Alternatively, you can use this API method to reset the profile.



  • Resetting a profile with fraudulent patterns is not a safe option. Make sure the applicant does not have any of the following rejection labels: FORGERY, SELFIE_MISMATCH, BLACKLIST, BLOCKLIST, INCONSISTENT_PROFILE, FRAUDULENT_PATTERNS.
  • You cannot reset profiles that are currently being checked and have Pending, Queued, or Prechecked statuses.
  • After resetting the profile, the data obtained from the previous attempts will not be taken into account.
  • Do not reset profiles in the Processing status.