Applicant actions

Perform additional verification with the help of applicant actions.

An action is an additional check that you can configure in your verification level settings. Actions can be triggered by specific events performed by applicants.

For example, every time your applicants make a transfer or payment, they are asked to confirm their identity by passing an action check.

You can set the following checks as actions:



Create verification levels with applicant actions

To use applicant actions:

  1. In the Dashboard, open the Individuals page and click Create level.
  2. On the Steps tab, from the Type drop-down list, select Applicant actions.
  3. Set up the steps your applicants should take to get verified with actions. Make sure your steps include only any of the following verification methods, otherwise the Applicant actions option will not be available:
    • Selfie
    • 2nd selfie
    • Payment methods
    • Questionnaire
    • Phone verification
    • Email verification
  4. Continue with setting up the level as required and save your changes when done.

Upon verification, the applicant action check results will be available in the applicant profile.

Initialize WebSDK for applicant actions

To initialize the WebSDK for using applicant actions:

  1. Set up a verification level with applicant actions as describe above.
  2. Generate an access token using this API method and specify the following parameters to be passed to the WebSDK:
    • externalActionId
    • userId
  3. Install an NPM package or use CDN version of the script and launch it with the accessToken you have generated at the previous step.