About WebSDK
Find out the benefits of the Sumsub WebSDK and start using it right away.
The easiest way to get started with our solution is by using our WebSDK. We have put a lot of effort into improving the conversion rate of your users and have thought about even the little details that make a big difference.
Apart from orchestrating the entire verification process in a user-friendly interface that will handle all the stages—from uploading the data to processing it and coming up with the results—the WebSDK allows you to:
- Customize colors and styles to visualize your verification flows exactly as you want them to be for your applicants. The design is also adaptive and mobile friendly, so it is easy to use it on any device, especially with the WebSDK 2.0.
- Use Liveness & Face match to improve conversion rates and minimizes fraud.
- Guide your applicants through verification using hints and suggestions available at each verification step.
- Let your applicants continue passing verification on mobile devices at any step, e.g. when they need to take a picture of the document or pass liveness check.
WebSDK 2.0 and WebSDK 1.0
The following is a comparison table between the WebSDK 2.0 and WebSDK 1.0:
Area of application | WebSDK 2.0 | WebSDK 1.0 |
Design |
Customization |
Guidance |
Updated 8 days ago