Rejection filter
Find and categorize rejected applicants.
You can use the Tag filter to quickly find and categorize rejected applicants by rejection tags.
To filter applicants:
- In the Dashboard, go to the Applicants page.
- From the Tag drop-down list, select the tags by which to filter the list.
Tag |
Description |
Additional documents
Additional documents required to pass the check. |
Adverse media
The applicant was found in the adverse media. |
Back side missing
Back side of the document is missing. |
Bad avatar
Avatar does not meet the client's requirements. |
Bad connection
Video Ident call connection was interrupted. |
Bad face matching
Face check between document and selfie failed. |
The applicant uploaded a not suitable proof-of-address document. |
The applicant uploaded a not suitable ID document. |
The applicant uploaded a not suitable proof-of-payment document. |
Bad selfie
The applicant uploaded a bad selfie. |
Bad video selfie
The applicant uploaded a bad video selfie. |
Beneficial owners are not validated
Could not identify and duly verify the entity's beneficial owners. |
Beneficiaries are not defined
There are no declared shareholders or their data doesn't meet data in the corporate documents. |
Beneficiaries are not validated
All shareholders of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks. |
Black and white
The applicant uploaded black and white photos of documents. |
Block list
Applicant added to global blocklist. |
Applicant added to client's internal blocklist. |
Check is not available
The database is not available. |
Compromised persons
The applicant does not correspond to Compromised Person Politics. |
Control structure is not established
Could not establish the entity control structure. |
Criminal records
The applicant is involved in illegal actions. |
Damaged document
The document is damaged, and the information isn't clearly visible. |
Digital document
The applicant uploaded a digital version of the document. |
Directors are not validated
All directors of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks. |
Document deprived
The applicant has been deprived of the document. |
Document template
Documents supplied are templates downloaded from the internet. |
This applicant was already created for this client, and duplicates are not allowed by the regulations. |
Expiration date
The applicant uploaded expired document. |
In case the applicant came from an unsupported country or without a residence permit. |
Forgery attempt has been made. |
Fraudulent liveness
There was an attempt to bypass liveness check. |
Fraudulent Patterns
Fraudulent behaviour was detected. |
Front side missing
Front side of the document is missing. |
Graphics editing software
The document or it's data has been changed in the context of brightness, contrast, contents, etc. |
Inactive entity
The entity seems to be inactive according to the publicly available state company registry. |
Incompatible language
The applicant should upload notarized translation of his document. |
Incomplete document
Some information is missing from the document, or it's partially visible. |
Inconsistency of requested data
The provided information does not correspond to the data in the document. |
Inconsistent profile
Data or documents of different persons were uploaded to one applicant. |
Incorrect data
The specified company data (e.g. egistration number, name) in the profile doesn't match the data in the corporate documents or company state register. |
Incorrect social number
The applicant provided an incorrect social number (SSN, for example). |
Invalid ID
A document that identifies a person (e.g. a passport or an ID card) is not valid. |
Low quality
Documents have low-quality that does not allow definitive conclusions to be made. |
Mismatch with external database
The profile could not be verified due to data mismatch. |
Missing document pages
Some pages of a document are missing. |
No suitable docs
The provided documents do not match the required ones. |
Non authentic document
The provided document is not authentic. |
Non-supported language
Non-supported language for video identification. |
Not a document
The provided file is not a document. |
Not all checks succeeded
Some of the auto checks have failed. |
Not enough experience
Experience does not match the requirements (e.g. driving experience is not enough). |
Not found in external database
No data was found; the profile could not be verified. |
When something wrong happened with the rejection of an applicant (e.g. applicant was rejected by button that doesn't exist). |
Outdated document version
The provided document is not the most recent version. |
Ownership structure is not established
The declared ownership structure of the company doesn't meet data in the corporate documents. |
The applicant belongs to the PEP category |
Problematic applicant data
Applicant data does not match the data in the documents. |
Refused to finish interview
On the Video identification call, the applicant refused to finish the interview. |
Regulations violations
The applicant violated the regulations. |
Representatives are not defined
There are no declared representatives or their data doesn't meet data in the corporate documents. |
Representatives are not validated
All representatives of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks. |
The applicant was found on sanction lists. |
The applicant uploaded screenshots. |
Selfie mismatch
An applicant photo (profile image) does not match a photo on the provided documents. |
Selfie with paper
The applicant should upload a special selfie (e.g. selfie with the paper and date on it). |
An applicant has been created by mistake or is just a spam user (irrelevant images were supplied). |
Third party involvement
The applicant is doing verification from a third party for a fee. |
Unsatisfactory age
Age requirement is not met (e.g. cannot rent a car to a person below 25yo). |
Unsatisfactory photos
There were problems with the photos, like poor quality or masked information. |
Unsuitable document
The provided document doesn't have some of the required attributes (e.g. sign, seal, translation). |
User is not alone or cannot be seen
On Video Ident call, the applicant is either not alone or nor visible. |
Wrong address
The address from the documents doesn't match the address that the applicant entered. |
Wrong region
When applicants from certain regions/countries are not allowed to be registered. |
Updated 6 months ago