GTR protocol

Ensure safe and compliant Travel Rule data exchange using secure encryption algorithms.

GTR is a Travel Rule protocol designed for Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) to make secure information exchange as stipulated by Travel Rule requirements when working with transactions. GTR positioning is to create a unified blockchain security channel for VASPs.

How GTR protocol works (Challenge flow)

The GTR API allows validating the transaction beneficiary data that requires Travel Rule verification. During the procedure, all the data that is shared by VASPs is encrypted by the irreversible encryption algorithm (Keccak-256).

Information exchange via GTR protocol (Challenge flow)

Information validation works only for outbound transactions where the date of birth (optional) and full name of the beneficiary are passed in the payload:

  1. The Sumsub client sends to Sumsub the wallet address, full name, and the date of birth of the originator and/or beneficiary.
  2. Sumsub provides this data to GTR that is hashed by the Keccak-256 encryption.
  3. GTR receives the same data from the VASP connected to it.
  4. GTR starts matching and gets back with the result presented in the following labels: nameMatch and dobMatch.
  5. If this information matches, the transaction receives a Completed status. If the results do not match, the transaction status goes to Counterparty mismatched personal data, and the transaction will be handled in accordance with the rules determined by the Sumsub client.



The GTR "challenge" protocol is aimed to validate the data as specified above in cases where the Sumsub client counterparty is not obliged with the Travel Rule yet (or other cases determined by the Sumsub client) and cannot be considered a solution satisfying the Travel Rule requirements.