
View the detailed information about the Sumsub services you get.

Billing shows information about the services rendered to you by Sumsub.

It includes the types of checks you used, the number of these checks, the price per check, and the total amount due.

You can view all the checks calculated in your invoice by downloading the detailed report for the selected period as a CSV file.

To download the file:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Billing page.
  2. Select a period from the drop-down list.
  3. In the top-right, click Download detailed report CSV and save the file on your device.



Mind that the current month report values may be a little higher than those shown in the Billing section, because the current month report does not take into account the free period of recheck (30 days) and it calculates all the checks made up to and including the previous day.

After the month is over, all data is recalculated taking into consideration the free period of recheck accordingly.

Billing for Self-service

If you are a Self-service customer, your Billing page includes the following blocks with the information about your subscription:

  • Current plan
  • Next payment due
  • Payment method

By using these blocks’ functionality, you can change or cancel your plan, find information on the next funds debiting, and update your payment method.

Downloading the report is also available in the Self-service billing menu:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Billing page.
  2. From the drop-down list, select a period.
  3. In the top-right, click Export report and save the file on your device.

The Balance field in the top-right corner indicates the deposit funds used in the context of the Enterprise plan.



  • If you have some money on your balance, the funds debiting will be performed from the balance.
  • If there is not enough money to pay for the services, we will charge you within the card added to Payment methods.

Contents of billing report

There will be the following information in the report:

serviceNameThe name of a particular service.
serviceTimeA service provision time (UTC +0).
clientIdA unique client identifier.
quantityThe quantity of provided and invoiced services.
applicantIdA unique applicant identifier.
externalUserIdA unique applicant identifier used in the client's system.
sourceKeyA unique identifier for distinguishing of applicants.
applicantTagsCustom labels created and assigned to a particular applicant.
countryAn applicant's country (allows viewing expenses by country).
levelNamesA list of verification level names for which the check was performed.

Also, your report may include additional values related to a specific service/parameter.