SDK translations

Customize verification instructions for your business.

With SDK translations, you can change the default text displayed to your applicants. Customizable elements include text, country names, document errors, email templates, custom phrases, and so on, which let you:

  • Tailor verification instructions to your business needs.
  • Add extra explanations and comments where needed.
  • Align the text your applicants see with your company's tone of voice.

Customize your messages

To change the default text:

  1. In the Dashboard, open the SDK Translations page.
  2. Select a section for which you want to change the default text: MSDK, WebSDK, Common, or Email.
  3. Select the locale (language) you want to change. The languages are displayed at the top of the page as two-letter ISO 639-1 codes. By default, the English language (en) is selected. To select a different language, enter its code.
  4. Below the language field, you will see the JSON code made up of key-value pairs. The first element of the pair (key) represents an object within the system, such as a button, label, heading of different types, and so on. The second (value) is the UI text that you can change.
  5. To change the text, copy the JSON code to a separate document and make changes in the values as necessary.
  6. Return to the SDK Translations page, click Edit, and paste the changed text.
  7. Click Save.


In this example, we will consider customizing the instructions for the Identity document step shown in the WebSDK.

Let's say you want to change the default Select the country that issued your document string to something different:

  1. In the Dashboard, open the SDK Translations page.
  2. Select the WebSDK section.
  3. Search the JSON file for the Select the country that issued your document string and change the value for this key to your desired text. The code should look as follows:
      "document": {
        "country": "My new text here"
  4. Click Save.
  5. See the UI changed as shown below.