Review statistics and be aware of your environment.
Sumsub collects all main product metrics on the Statistics and Analytics tabs. You can review product performance data and applicant activities while analyzing and interpreting them according to your needs.
We provide you with some default graphs and tables. To request a custom graph or table:
- Contact your customer success manager.
- Use the chat in our Dashboard.
- Email us at [email protected].
Review statistic
In the Statistics section, all graphs can be configured in the following ways:
- Switching between the line chart and the bar chart.
- Choosing a period.
- Selecting local or UTC time.
- Refresh requests.
- Setting up the display to show Days, Hours or Minutes.
- Configuring the Breakdown through settings. Options depend on the graph.
General metrics
Overview includes the following metrics:
- Checked Applicants. Refers to the number of checked applicants for the chosen time interval.
- Checked Applicants Over Time. Refers to the number of checked applicants for the chosen time interval shown in a graph.
- Median Processing Time. The average check time in minutes for the chosen time interval.
There are also the following pie charts:
- Answers. Chart that shows statistics of the system responses for the chosen time interval. The green color indicates approved applicants while red indicates rejected and resubmitted applicants.
- Countries. Chart that displays a summary of applicant countries for the chosen time interval. The chart counts only applicants that have received a response from the system.
- Rejection Labels. Chart that shows the rejection reasons and statistics for the chosen time interval.
Study graphs
The following graphs are available:
- Applicants Reviewed. Displays the number of reviewed applicants for the specified time interval. It is important to be aware of this graph, as it classifies rechecks of the same applicant as new checks — if an applicant is rejected 5 times before approval, the system will count this as 5 reviewed applicants.
- Applicants Created. Shows the number of created applicants over the specified time interval. The created status refers only to the exact action of creating an applicant profile. The graph does not consider whether the applicant was reviewed or if they uploaded any documents.
- Applicant Documents Added. Indicates the number of uploaded documents for the specified time interval. There are a few aspects you should know about when it comes to this graph:
- The graph considers both textual and image data. If you upload textual data of a document to the applicant profile, such data is counted as being an actual document, and not just text.
- Two sides of the same document are counted twice.
- Every re-upload is considered as a new uploaded document.
- Logins. Shows the number of user logins to the Dashboard over the specified time interval.
Review analytics
The following settings are available for the Analytics graphs and tables:
- Switching between line charts and bar charts.
- Choosing a period.
- Refreshing request.
- Setting up the display to show Days, Hours, or Minutes.
Study graphs
The following graphs and tables are available:
- Conversions. Displays a range of data related to different applicant statuses and their actions throughout the verification procedure. You can find the following information:
- Finished uploading. The percentage of the applicants that uploaded required documents versus the applicants that had an intent to do so. The intent refers to the applicants that uploaded at least one document.
- Approved vs. all uploaded. The percentage of the applicants that were approved versus applicants that uploaded all documents.
- Approves vs. started. The percentage of applicants that were approved versus applicants that had an intent to pass verification but did not finish it.
- Final declines. The percentage of applicants that uploaded required documents but received a final rejection.
- Requests received and checks completed. Indicates the ratio between the received check requests and completed checks over a specified time interval.
- Most common rejection reasons. Shows the number of finally rejected applicants over the specified time interval. There is also information about the country and labels of the rejected applicant profiles.
- Most common resubmission reasons. Shows the number of resubmitted applicants over the specified time interval. There is also information about the country and labels of the resubmitted applicant profiles.
WebSDK Geo usage
WebSDK Geo Usage is a map that indicates where the WebSDK is being run over a specified time interval. Map and Satellite views are available.
Updated about 1 year ago