July 2024

In this release, we have delivered a lot of updates in the Sumsub's Dashboard UI and functionality. Also, we have redesigned the PoA presets page, making it easier to navigate through the settings. In addition to that, both the Non-Doc Verification and the Business Verification solutions have been upgraded with new abilities and functions.

June 2024

In this release, we have delivered a lot of updates related to Business Verification, Dashboard UI, Transaction Monitoring, and many more.

May 2024

In this release, we have delivered a lot of updates for Workflow builder, Transaction Monitoring, and Travel Rule. Non-Doc Verification has been improved as well, and now supports SSN as an input for the USA Non-Doc verification product. See what's in the article to learn more.

April 2024

In this release, we have delivered a lot of updates related to Transaction monitoring, database verification, Travel Rule, business verification, and many more.

March 2024

An upgraded comprehensive Fraud Prevention Solution is now live! We have also added the ability to validate the applicant data in Mexico via CURP. Furthermore, we have extended our Transaction Monitoring solution with Chainalysis that allows you to screen for risky addresses at a more precise level.

February 2024

In this release, we have updated AML Cases queues, TM rule bundles, and Dry Run rules in Transaction Monitoring. We have also added a new applicant status that can be used as a condition in the Workflow Builder.

January 2024

In this release, we have added support for the Turkish language to the WebSDK and enhanced the Dashboard usability for clients with multiple client IDs.

December 2023

In this release, we have delivered new risk signals on the Crypto transaction page and added support for new cryptocurrencies. We have also released Global Database Verification — instant, doc-free checks for address, identity, and age Verification in 45+ countries. The Dashboard charts have been improved and Nigeria Business verification is now available through CAC.

November 2023

In this release, we have added support for the Chinese language in the Dashboard, rolled out a new solution tailored to the iGaming industry, extended Non-Doc verification and database cross-check country list and methods, and added support for CIPC in South Africa for Business Verification.

October 2023

In this month, we've implemented the new verification methods for Nigeria, Columbia, and USA. From now, our Non-Doc Verification can be alternatively added to the stage of document selection. We've also taken care of reducing potential risks by improving Applicant Risk Score.