October 2024

We are pleased to announce new updates being made over the next couple of weeks so keep an eye on our Changelog.

October 1st -> October 4th


Applicant report update

From now on, all applicant questionnaires are available in the PDF report.

Risk scoring adjustments

What’s new?

  • The visual appearance of the questionnaire risk scoring section in the applicant profile has been improved.
  • Risk scoring results are now displayed separately for questions that have the Checkboxes format.
  • The Show scores checkbox has been added, allowing you to hide the scoring results and focus solely on the applicant answers.
Learn more about Questionnaire ->

October 7th -> October 11th

Business Verification

Full KYB support in WebSDK 2.0

Full KYB verification is now supported in the WebSDK 2.0.

Key benefits:

  • Company Search by a company name with the company details pre-fill, improving the conversion rate to submission by 15%.
  • An ability to combine Auto KYB 2.0 and Full KYB in workflows. This is ideal for fallback cases, such as when Company Check returns insufficient data, or when handling different processing rules by country or entity type.
  • A modernised Company Structure view that provides ownership insights on click and allows you to edit the entire company structure from a single window.
  • Generated Registry ownership Structure (in case of data presence in the sources)

New Company Data view

The view of Company Data has been transformed into the Extracted data and Provided data tabs.

Learn more about Business Verification ->


Email and phone checks design adjustments

The Email confirmation check and Phone confirmation check sections in the applicant profile explaining the verification results have become more clear and organized.

Learn more about email and phone verification ->


Levels display

From now on, you can see within which levels a particular questionnaire is being used—this information will be shown near each questionnaire in the list.

Question types update

The Single file upload and Multiple file upload question types have been merged into one option—File upload. Functionality remains the same.

Learn more about Questionnaire ->

Transaction Monitoring

API documentation improvements

The transaction samples have been provided with more details and explanations:

  • New parameters have been added to the Device object to boost protection from fraud.
  • More data has been included in the Applicant and Counterparty objects to enhance performance of the associated checks.
Learn more here ->

October 14th -> October 18th

Business Verification

New design of the Review panel

A new design and location of the rejection buttons have been delivered to business applicant profiles.

Learn more about Business Verification ->


New API method

A new API method has been published that allows you to get the information about the uploaded document images.

Click to learn more ->