September 2023

In this release, we have added the ability to use Residence Permit and UAE IDs as a basis for verification through government databases, Non-Doc verification for the UK now requires only online banking credentials and device authentication, Transaction Monitoring introduces a new UI for rules, and many more.

August 2023

In this release, we have added support for Non-Doc Verification in the UK, new Dashboard permissions to manage applicant profiles, new Transaction monitoring rules and expressions, and many more.

July 2023

Check out the latest updates on a crucial address verification revamp, conduct the Non-doc check in Netherlands, and calculate a potential level of the threat during the onboarding stage.

June 2023

Meet the redesigned Global Settings Menu, newly delivered rejection labels, and recently added countries available for non-document verification.

May 2023

In the May 2023 release, we are glad to inform you on launching Email and phone risk assessment, as well as boosting the Transaction monitiring processes in the context of Client Lists, Builder, and Expression Guide.

April 2023

Here we go, adding the business verification levels to Workflow Builder and updating languages available for MobileSDK.

March 2023

In this release, we are introducing a new feature for working with crypto — Travel Rule Solution and celebrating the revamp of the applicant page which from now ensures more smooth logic and navigation.

February 2023

In this release, we have taken care of your ability to create custom blocklists along with covering more countries and documents.

January 2023

January 2023 is a perfect time to expand capabilities of the Workflow Builder tool and Non-document verification.