October 2023

In this month, we've implemented the new verification methods for Nigeria, Columbia, and USA. From now, our Non-Doc Verification can be alternatively added to the stage of document selection. We've also taken care of reducing potential risks by improving Applicant Risk Score.

Non-Doc Verification

Non-Doс Verification is now available on the same page with a selection of other documents

So far, this is only available for the new WebSDK, but also will be rolled out in MobSDK soon.

Nigeria Non-Doc Verification via Driving License is now available

You can now onboard users from Nigeria document-free

Proof of Address

Now you can specify the exact period that PoI can be accepted as PoA (based on the issue date).

Specify the required validity date for PoI as PoA documents more flexibly.
In the new setting, there are two options:

  • Base it on the expiration date of the PoI as PoA document.
  • Base it on the issue date of the PoI as PoA document (e.g., so that the document is issued not later than 3/6/12/etc months).

Overall, this new setting empowers you with greater control over PoA process.


New dashboard permission: DEACTIVATE APPLICANTS

With this permission, it’s now possible to restrict your team members from deactivating and reactivating applicants. Check out this article to learn more.

New design

  • Integrations section: We have a fresh new look for all sections within Integrations, aligning them with our design language
  • App tokens section: We’ve rearranged the table content to take up less space (but still contain all the information it had before). We also have a new interface for app token creation.

Database Verification

New Verification Methods for Nigeria

Now it’s possible to cross validate the following documents via local databases:

  • Driving License
  • Voter Card

New Verification Methods for Colombia

User data can now be additionally verified against government sources by providing their NUIP/NIT (Unique Taxpayer Number) and Date of Birth information.

New Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) Verification for USA

User data can now be additionally verified against government sources by providing their ITIN, Full name, and Date of Birth information

See exactly which documents you can validate through local sources here.

Transaction Monitoring

Applicant Risk Score

The Applicant Risk Score has been adjusted to reflect risky transaction patterns:

  • Now, applicants have several independent risk coordinates (Finance/Onboarding/Gambling/AML/Account/etc)
  • Applicant Risk Scores are defined by specific KYT tags (separate from Applicant Tags). Each tag has a “Score applicant” checkbox.
  • Each Rule may have several tags at the same time and affect several Applicant Risk Scores.

Please note that we still have an existing Transaction Score applied to specific actions undertaken by the applicant.

Applicant analytics

Now, you can easily define suspicious patterns and behavior in just one click!