Case management webhooks

Monitor AML and transaction cases in real-time with webhooks.

This section lists a collection of webhooks related to Case management.

kytCaseCreatedA new KYT case has been created.
kytCaseReviewedKYT case has been reviewed.
kytCaseStatusChangedThe status of the KYT case has been changed.
amlCaseApprovedAML case associated with the transaction was approved. No suspicious matches were found in the Sumsub databases.
amlCaseRejectedAML case associated with the transaction was rejected due to the true positive matches found in the Sumsub database.
amlCaseOnHoldBased on the rules you applied, the AML case was put on hold and queued for a manual review by the dedicated expert.



Personal applicant information is not available in the webhook payload. To get this information, use this API method.



If you are not receiving webhooks, try to check your endpoints using SSL Labs or Docker.


The following example indicates that a new KYT case has been created in the Sumsub system.

  "applicantId" : "670f85df0578a72bf1131856",
  "correlationId" : "da9564f4437c9fcd059f99e0b94fa04d",
  "sandboxMode" : true,
  "type" : "kytCaseCreated",
  "reviewStatus" : "init",
  "createdAt" : "2024-11-18 10:49:47+0000",
  "createdAtMs" : "2024-11-18 10:49:47.918",
  "kytCaseId" : "670f85e00578a72bf113189d"
applicantIdStringUnique identifier of the applicant.
correlationIdStringUnique identifier of the event.
sandboxModeBooleanSet to true if the webhook was sent from Sandbox .
typeStringWebhook type. In this context, it is kytCaseCreated.
reviewStatusStringCurrent status of the KYT case (e.g., init, queued, completed, onHold).
createdAtDateDate and time when the webhook was created (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+0000, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25+0000) in UTC.
createdAtMsDateDate and time when the webhook was created, considering milliseconds (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25.032) in UTC.
kytCaseIdStringUnique identifier of the KYT case on the Sumsub side.


The following example indicates that the KYT case has been reviewed.

  "applicantId" : "670f85e10578a72bf1131906",
  "correlationId" : "da9564f4437c9fcd059f99e0b94fa04d",
  "sandboxMode" : true,
  "type" : "kytCaseReviewed",
  "reviewResult" : {
    "reviewAnswer" : "RED",
    "reviewRejectType" : "FINAL"
  "reviewStatus" : "completed",
  "createdAt" : "2024-11-18 10:43:45+0000",
  "createdAtMs" : "2024-11-18 10:43:45.068",
  "kytCaseId" : "670f85e20578a72bf1131950"
applicantIdStringUnique identifier of the applicant.
correlationIdStringUnique identifier of the event.
sandboxModeBooleanSet to true if the webhook was sent from Sandbox .
typeStringWebhook type. In this context, it is kytCaseReviewed.
reviewResultObjectContains extra information on the case verification result, such as reviewAnswer indicating the result and reviewRejectType if the case was rejected.
reviewAnswerStringExplains the review result:
  • GREEN — the case is approved.
  • RED — the case is rejected.
reviewRejectTypeStringIndicates the type of rejection:
  • FINAL — final rejection in case of major violations.
  • RETRY — temporary rejection in case of minor violations. The case can be resubmitted for another review.
For more details, see Temporary rejection and Final rejection clarification.
reviewStatusStringCurrent status of the KYT case (e.g., init, queued, completed, onHold).
createdAtDateDate and time when the webhook was created (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+0000, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25+0000) in UTC.
createdAtMsDateDate and time when the webhook was created, considering milliseconds (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25.032) in UTC.
kytCaseIdStringUnique identifier of the KYT case on the Sumsub side.


The following example indicates that the status of the KYT case has been changed.

  "applicantId" : "670f85e10578a72bf1131906",
  "correlationId" : "da9564f4437c9fcd059f99e0b94fa04d",
  "sandboxMode" : true,
  "type" : "kytCaseStatusChanged",
  "reviewResult" : {
    "reviewAnswer" : "RED",
    "reviewRejectType" : "FINAL"
  "reviewStatus" : "completed",
  "createdAt" : "2024-11-18 10:42:42+0000",
  "createdAtMs" : "2024-11-18 10:42:42.720",
  "kytCaseId" : "670f85e20578a72bf1131950"
applicantIdStringUnique identifier of the applicant.
correlationIdStringUnique identifier of the event.
sandboxModeBooleanSet to true if the webhook was sent from Sandbox .
typeStringWebhook type. In this context, it is kytCaseStatusChanged.
reviewResultObjectContains extra information on the case verification result, such as reviewAnswer indicating the result and reviewRejectType if the case was rejected.
reviewAnswerStringExplains the review result:
  • GREEN — the case is approved.
  • RED — the case is rejected.
reviewRejectTypeStringIndicates the type of rejection:
  • FINAL — final rejection in case of major violations.
  • RETRY — temporary rejection in case of minor violations. The case can be resubmitted for another review.
For more details, see Temporary rejection and Final rejection clarification.
reviewStatusStringCurrent status of the KYT case (e.g., init, queued, completed, onHold).
createdAtDateDate and time when the webhook was created (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+0000, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25+0000) in UTC.
createdAtMsDateDate and time when the webhook was created, considering milliseconds (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25.032) in UTC.
kytCaseIdStringUnique identifier of the KYT case on the Sumsub side.


  "correlationId": "26e4b45a9a0e3e8715de1b8dba0851fa",
  "sandboxMode": false,
  "type": "amlCaseApproved",
  "reviewResult": {
    "reviewAnswer": "GREEN"
  "reviewStatus": "completed",
  "createdAtMs": "2023-08-30 10:03:20.907",
  "amlCaseId": "64baa015ebc52e736d147e8c"
correlationIdStringUnique identifier of the event.
sandboxModeBooleanSet to true if the webhook was sent from Sandbox.
typeStringWebhook type. In this context, it is amlCaseApproved.
reviewResultObjectContains extra information on the transaction verification results.
reviewStatusStringIndicates the current transaction status (init, onHold, completed).
createdAtMsDateDate and time when the webhook was created, considering milliseconds (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25.032) in UTC.
amlCaseIdStringUnique identifier of the AML case.


  "correlationId": "f1510d9aee2f7d30c7eb33cb59f24c3c",
  "sandboxMode": false,
  "type": "amlCaseRejected",
  "reviewResult": {
    "reviewAnswer": "RED"
  "reviewStatus": "completed",
  "createdAtMs": "2023-08-30 10:02:36.496",
  "amlCaseId": "63652066f11034000121a52b"
correlationIdStringUnique identifier of the event.
sandboxModeBooleanSet to true if the webhook was sent from Sandbox.
typeStringWebhook type. In this context, it is amlCaseRejected.
reviewResultObjectContains extra information on the transaction verification results.
reviewStatusStringIndicates the current transaction status (init, onHold, completed).
createdAtMsDateDate and time when the webhook was created, considering milliseconds (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25.032) in UTC.
amlCaseIdStringUnique identifier of the AML case.


   "createdAtMs":"2023-08-30 09:59:52.864",
correlationIdStringUnique identifier of the event.
sandboxModeBooleanSet to true if the webhook was sent from Sandbox.
typeStringWebhook type. In this context, it is amlCaseOnHold.
reviewResultObjectContains extra information on the transaction verification results.
reviewStatusStringIndicates the current transaction status (init, onHold, completed).
createdAtMsDateDate and time when the webhook was created, considering milliseconds (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25.032) in UTC.
amlCaseIdStringUnique identifier of the AML case.