Use this method to get information about the created applicant — both individual
and company
Example request
curl -X GET \
- Some data is shown only if it was recognized from the documents or provided by the applicant.
- To make sure you have fetched the data from a relevant document, you can get what
was approved using this method.
If the applicant ID is unknown to you, use the Get applicant data (externalUserId) method.
Response explained
The response is a JSON file representing the applicant profile that you have created (or Sumsub have created for you, for example, via the WebSDK) with augmented and structured information. The existence of some fields depends on the documents submitted for verification and verification regulations.
Below, you can see the response structure, possible content with descriptions, and examples of response:
- Root variables
- info
- fixedInfo
- agreement
- requiredIdDocs
- review
- questionnaires
- notes
- memberOf
- Response examples
Root variables
Root variables are the core applicant profile data items. Some of them may include nested attributes and element fields.
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique applicant identifier in the Sumsub system (applicantId ).This identifier is a random combination of 24 digits and lowercase Latin characters. It is automatically generated when the applicant profile is created on the Sumsub side. |
createdAt | Date | Date and time (GMT) when the applicant profile was created in the Sumsub system. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS . |
clientId | String | Unique identifier of you as our client in the Sumsub system. This identifier is assigned to you when you are registered in and get access to the Sumsub system. It usually resembles your name or your company name. clientId is automatically added to the applicant profile when it is created. |
inspectionId | String | Unique combination of digits and characters to identify all actions with the applicant’s ID documents. Added automatically when the applicant is created. This is useful, for example, if you want to find out which document photos were a part of the final verification and made the applicant pass or fail the check. To receive the necessary images, use this method. |
externalUserId | String | Unique applicant identifier as registered on your side. When creating an applicant, you can generate and add the externalUserId manually, or it will be automatically generated and added to the applicant profile by Sumsub. |
sourceKey | String | Source key that helps you group clients that send applicants. |
info | Object | General applicant information recognized from the documents that Sumsub cross-validates with the applicant data provided (fixedInfo ).Note that info and fixedInfo objects have the same attributes. |
fixedInfo | Object | General applicant information that is submitted by the applicant via the Web or Mobile SDK or by you via this API method. Sumsub should not change this information but use it to cross-validate with the data recognized from the applicant documents. Note that info and fixedInfo objects have the same attributes. |
email | String | Applicant email address. It is mandatory if the email verification is required. If not provided, the applicant cannot receive verification status emails. |
phone | String | Applicant phone number. It is mandatory if the phone verification is required. |
applicantPlatform | String | The platform from which the applicant registered in the system and/or provided profile data (API , Web , Android , iOS ). |
ipCountry | String | Alpha-3 country code (DEU , GBR , ARE , and so on) of the country that owns the IP address from which the applicant got registered and/or submitted the data. |
authCode | String | JWT token to sign in a user. For more details, refer to WebSDK Settings. |
agreement | Object | Contains information about the applicant consent to submitting and processing the personal data. |
requiredIdDocs | Object | Configuration of steps for the applicant to complete verification. It includes step types (e.g. IDENTITY , SELFIE ) and the documents appropriate for each step (e.g. PASSPORT , ID_CARD , RESIDENCE_PERMIT ), or necessary data fields to be filled in.For example, the APPLICANT_DATA step type includes a list of fields the applicant must fill in, so we could proceed with verification. |
review | Object | Explains the details of the current applicant verification status and check result. |
lang | String | Two-letter code of the language (ISO 639-1 format, for example, en , fr , de ) for the SDK and emails sent to the applicant.The verification results should be displayed to the applicant in this language as well. As a rule, it is detected by the applicant IP address. You can set the language when initializing the SDK (MSDK), or via API when creating an applicant. |
type | Enum | Defines the applicant type. Added automatically when the applicant is created. The following entity types are available:
riskLabels | Object | Contains information on the applicant risk labels. |
questionnaires | Array of objects | Includes the objects describing questionnaires that the applicant is given to complete during (or after) verification. If the applicant has already filled a questionnaire, you can see the submitted answers in the value fields. |
notes | Array of objects | Includes the objects representing notes added to the applicant profile by you or by Sumsub operators. |
tags | Array of strings | Contains tags that you have created and then assigned to the applicant. |
memberOf | Array of objects | Includes data objects with the applicant companies' IDs the beneficiary of which the applicant is and which are registered in the Sumsub system. |
attributesThe following table explains the info
object attributes — general applicant information recognized from the documents that Sumsub cross-validates with the applicant data provided (fixedInfo
Note that info
and fixedInfo
objects have the same attributes except for idDocs
Field | Type | Description |
companyInfo | Object | ⚠️ Available for company applicants only. The object contains general information about the company, such as the company name, location and country of registration, legal entity type, contacts and other details. |
firstName | String | Applicant first name in the original language. |
firstNameEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the applicant first name into Latin characters. |
middleName | String | Applicant middle name in the original language. |
middleNameEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the applicant middle name into Latin characters. |
lastName | String | Applicant last name in the original language. |
lastNameEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the applicant last name into Latin characters. |
legalName | String | Legal name of the company the applicant is related to (UBO or shareholder). You can keep this information and use it for your personal navigation. Note that the legalName field is not checked and you might need it just in case. |
gender | String | Applicant gender (M or F ). If the gender was not specified in the applicant profile, this field will not be present. |
dob | Date | Applicant date of birth (format YYYY-mm-dd , e.g. 2001-09-25 ). |
placeOfBirth | String | Applicant place of birth. This can be a city, a town or another settlement type. |
countryOfBirth | String | Applicant country of birth. Presented as an alpha-3 country code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
stateOfBirth | String | State, region, district, county or another territorial entity of birth inside a country, if applicable. |
country | String | Applicant country of birth. Presented as an alpha-3 country code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
nationality | String | Applicant country of origin. Presented as an alpha-3 country code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
addresses | Array of objects | Includes data objects containing the applicant address details extracted from the PoA documents submitted by the applicant. |
tin | String | Taxpayer identification number that is unique to each taxpayer. |
idDocs | Array of objects | Includes data objects containing information extracted from the applicant documents, which can be useful in cases where a verification has been completed. |
attributesThe following table explains the companyInfo
object attributes representing the company applicant data.
⚠️ This object is only available for company applicants.
Field | Type | Description |
companyName | String | The name of the company. |
registrationNumber | String | Unique number that is assigned to the company when it was registered as a legal entity. |
country | String | Alpha-3 code of the country where the company is legally registered (for example, DEU , GBR , and so on). |
legalAddress | String | Address a legal entity uses to register with a legal authority. |
incorporatedOn | String | Date of company incorporation (format YYYY-mm-dd , e.g. 2001-09-25 ). |
type | String | Type of legal entity. For example, private company limited by shares, public limited company, state-owned enterprise, and so on. |
email | String | Company email address. |
phone | String | Company phone number. |
controlScheme | String | Description of the control scheme of the company ownership or group of entities. |
taxId | String | Taxpayer registration number/Code of taxpayer registration. |
registrationLocation | String | City, town, or another location where the company was registered. |
website | String | Website URL of the company. |
postalAddress | String | Company postal address. |
beneficiaries | Array of objects | Contains applicantId s of beneficiaries and additional information such as position and type. |
address | Object | Represents the company address. |
noUBOs | Boolean | When set to true , a company is to be be verified with no UBOs specified in the company profile. For example, in case when another legal entity that cannot be a UBO owns this company. |
noShareholders | Boolean | When set to true , a company is to be be verified with no shareholders specified in the company profile. For example, in case when the verification level settings require a company to have three shareholders but the company has just one. |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table describes the beneficiaries
array of objects containing applicantId
s of beneficiaries and additional information such as their position and type.
Mind that the beneficiaries
array is available for company applicants only.
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Autogenerated key for all KYB 2.0 beneficiaries. |
applicant | Object | Applicant profile data. |
applicantId | String | Applicant identifier of the beneficiary. |
beneficiaryInfo | Object | Structure that contains the beneficiary contact data. ⚠️ Available for KYB 2.0 only. |
positions | Array of strings | Positions in the company that the beneficiary is holding.
type | String | Beneficiary single role in the company control and ownership structure. Possible values:
types | Array of strings | Beneficiary roles for the new data structure, when one entity may have multiple roles. Possible values:
⚠️ Available for KYB 2.0 only. |
shareSize | Double | Percentage of ownership if the beneficiary is a shareholder of the company. |
inRegistry | Boolean | Matching to a Corporate registry.
imageIds | Array of strings | Image IDs represent a document uploaded. If imageIds array contains more than one element, the first one would be the front side and the others — back sides. |
attributesThe following table explains the beneficiaryInfo
attributes representing the beneficiary contact data.
⚠️ Available for company applicants and KYB 2.0 only.
Field | Type | Description |
firstName | String | First name of the beneficiary. |
lastName | String | Last name of the beneficiary. |
dob | Date | Beneficiary date of birth. |
email | String | Beneficiary email address. |
taxResidenceCountry | String | Country where the beneficiary pays taxes. Presented as an alpha-3 code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the data objects representing the details of identity documents provided by the applicant.
Field | Type | Description |
idDocType | String | Type of document that is specified in the level to be provided for verification. For example, PASSPORT , UTILITY_BILL , VEHICLE_REGISTRATION_CERTIFICATE , and so on.See the list of supported document types for details. |
country | String | Alpha-3 code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on) of the country where the document was issued. |
firstName | String | Applicant first name in the original language as it is in the document. |
firstNameEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the applicant first name into Latin characters. |
middleName | String | Applicant middle name in the original language as it is in the document. |
middleNameEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the applicant middle name into Latin characters. |
lastName | String | Applicant last name in the original language as it is in the document. |
lastNameEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the applicant last name into Latin characters. |
issuedDate | Date | Date when the identity document was issued (format YYYY-MM-DD ). |
issueAuthorityCode | String | Code of the ssuing Authority that is in charge of issuing the uploaded document. |
validUntil | Date | Date when the document validity expires. |
number | String | Unique registration number of the document. |
dob | Date | Applicant date of birth (format YYYY-mm-dd , e.g. 2001-09-25 ) as it is specified in the document. |
address | Object | Includes the applicant address details. |
attributes and addresses
element fields
attributes and addresses
element fieldsThe following table explains the address
attributes and addresses
element fields containing the applicant address details.
Field | Type | Description |
buildingName | String | Building name. |
flatNumber | String | Flat or apartment number. |
subStreet | String | Additional information related to the street. This could be a house number or any other details. |
subStreetEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the additional information related to the street into Latin characters. |
street | String | Street name. |
streetEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the street name into Latin characters. |
state | String | State, region, district, county or another territorial entity inside a country. |
stateEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the territorial entity into Latin characters. |
buildingNumber | String | Building number. |
town | String | City, town, or another settlement. |
townEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the settlement into Latin characters. |
postCode | String | Address postal code. |
country | String | Alpha-3 country code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
formattedAddress | String | Address in a human readable format. For example, Design Offices, Philipsbornstraße 2, 30165 Hannover, Germany . |
attributesThe following table explains the fixedInfo
object attributes — general applicant information that is submitted by the applicant via the Web or Mobile SDK or by you via this API method. Sumsub should not change this information but use it to cross-validate with the data recognized from the applicant documents (info
Note that info
and fixedInfo
objects have the same attributes except for idDocs
Field | Type | Description |
firstName | String | Applicant first name in the original language. |
firstNameEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the applicant first name into Latin characters. |
middleName | String | Applicant middle name in the original language. |
middleNameEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the applicant middle name into Latin characters. |
lastName | String | Applicant last name in the original language. |
lastNameEn | String | Automatic transliteration of the applicant last name into Latin characters. |
legalName | String | Legal name of the company the applicant is related to (UBO or shareholder). You can keep this information and use it for your personal navigation. Note that the legalName field is not checked and you might need it just in case. |
gender | String | Applicant gender that can be male or female (M or F ). If the gender is not specified in the applicant profile, this field is absent. |
dob | Date | Applicant date of birth (format YYYY-mm-dd , e.g. 2001-09-25 ). |
placeOfBirth | String | Applicant place of birth. This can be a city, a town or another settlement type. |
countryOfBirth | String | Applicant country of birth. Presented as an alpha-3 country code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
stateOfBirth | String | State, region, district, county or another territorial entity of birth inside a country, if applicable. |
country | String | Applicant country of birth. Presented as an alpha-3 country code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
nationality | String | Applicant country of origin. Presented as an alpha-3 country code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
addresses | Array of objects | Includes data objects containing the applicant address details provided by the applicant. |
tin | String | Taxpayer identification number that is unique to each taxpayer. |
taxResidenceCountry | String | Country where the applicant pays taxes. Presented as an alpha-3 code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
attributesThe following table explains the details of the applicant consent to the submitting and processing of personal data.
Field | Type | Description |
createdAt | Date | Date and time (GMT) when the applicant confirmed his/her consent to the submitting and processing of personal data. |
source | String | Specifies the source from which the applicant confirmed the agreement (WebSDK , MSDK ). |
attributesThe requiredIdDocs
object represents the configuration of steps for the applicant to complete verification. It includes a set of required documents and data to provide.
Field | Type | Description |
videoIdent | Boolean | Specifies if the video identification is required (true ) or not required (false ) to pass verification. |
docSets | Array of objects | Includes the objects representing specific document sets and their attributes. |
excludedCountries | Array of strings | Countries (in alpha-3 country code, for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , etc.) that are excluded from the list of supported. |
kybSettings | Object | Includes the thresholds of ownership share (shareholderThreshold and uboThreshold ) that are used to identify the types of company beneficiaries.
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the element fields of the docSets
array representing specific document sets and their attributes.
Field | Type | Description |
idDocSetType | String | Human-readable identifier of the document set type, for example, IDENTITY , SELFIE , PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE , and so on. |
fields | Array of objects | Includes the objects describing the document data fields that should be filled with personal information to verify the applicant. Each object contains the following attributes:
types | Array of strings | Includes the types of documents that are required for a particular idDocSetType to pass verification. |
videoRequired | String | Method of passing the document upload step that can be set up when configuring a verification level.
captureMode | String | This mode is applied in case the docapture method is used (see the table row above).
uploaderMode | String | This mode is applied in case the docapture method is used.
questionnaireDefId | String | Identifier of the questionnaire that is added to the verification level and is to be or has already been filled by the applicant. |
attributesThe following table explains the review
object attributes that represent the details of the current applicant verification status and check result.
Field | Type | Description |
reviewId | String | Unique identifier of the applicant profile review in the Sumsub system. |
levelName | String | Name of the verification level the applicant has to go through. |
attemptId | String | Unique identifier of the current verification attempt. Applicants may initiate several attempts to get verified if, for example, they failed once or changed/added the documents, or you could change the verification level to start another check. |
attemptCnt | Integer | Counting number of the current verification attempt on the same verification level. |
elapsedSincePendingMs | Integer | Elapsed time since the applicant verification passed to the pending status. |
createDate | Date | Date and time (UTC) when the applicant profile was created in the Sumsub system. |
reviewDate | Date | Date and time (UTC) when the current applicant check was completed. |
reviewResult | Object | Contains extra details of the applicant verification result. |
reviewStatus | String | Indicates the applicant review status. |
attributesThe following table explains the reviewResult
attributes representing the applicant verification result details.
Field | Type | Description |
reviewAnswer | String | Explains the review result.
rejectLabels | Array of strings | Includes one or more reasons for rejection. The field is available if reviewAnswer returns RED .For more details, see Temporary rejection and Final rejection clarification. |
reviewRejectType | String | Indicates the type of rejection.
For more details, see Temporary rejection and Final rejection clarification. |
clientComment | String | Human-readable comment that explains the reasons for rejection in detail, and that must not be shown to the applicant. |
moderationComment | String | Human-readable comment that explains the reasons for rejection in detail, and that can be shown to the applicant. |
buttonIds | Array of strings | Button identifiers that have been used for applicant rejection. A specific buttonId is automatically assigned to each rejection. For more details, see Temporary rejection and Final rejection clarification. |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table includes the data objects explaining the questionnaires that the applicant is given to complete during (or after) verification. If the applicant has already filled in a questionnaire, in the value
fields, you can see the answers provided and the score assigned to them.
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of the questionnaire. You give this ID to the questionnaire when creating it. |
sections | Object | Includes the objects each of those is a separate group of questions added to the questionnaire. A section object has an ID representing the section given when the questionnaire was created. Each section consists of items (single questions), and has its own score based on the score of the items included. |
score | Double | When setting up a questionnaire, you have the option to set up the risk scoring. It means that you can add a value to each possible answer. When the applicant selects this answer, the assigned value is added to the score. You can set up the score for the following question types: dropdown , checkboxes , multiple choice .The section score depends on the score values given to the items it contains. Upon completion of the questionnaire, the system sums up the section score values which results in the entire questionnaire score. |
Each questionnaire
attribute should be unique. If you intend to change the questionnaire structure, IDs should not be reused.
element fields
element fieldsThe following table describes the sections
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique section identifier. |
condition | String | Condition that makes a section visible, depending on the value of the specified sectionId.itemId={options.value} . |
items | Object | Includes the objects each of those stands for a single question added to the questionnaire, and has an ID—item identifier—representing this question. |
element fields
element fieldsThe items
object contains internal objects each of those stands for a single question added to the questionnaire, and has the attributes described in the table below.
Field | Type | Description | Supported values |
id | String | Unique item identification number. | Any unique item identifier. |
condition | String | Condition that makes the item show up. | sectionId.itemId={options.value} ( Example: 1-Section.1-2=someValue ) |
value | String | Contains the value that represents an answer to a question. | Any string value. |
values | Array of strings | Contains the values that represent multiple answers to a question (e.g. for checkboxes). | Any string values. |
score | Double | Score that is an estimation of the sum of all answers in one question. | Double value. |
dataScores | Array of objects | Compartmentalized information about risk scoring for each answer (for example, a question may have multiple answers to choose from in the checkboxes). | Each object includes the following:
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the data objects representing the notes added to the applicant profile by you or Sumsub operators.
Field | Type | Description |
note | String | Contains the text of the note added. |
moderatorName | String | Identifier of the one who created the note in the applicant profile. |
createdAt | Date | Date and time (GMT) when the note was created. |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the element fields in the memberOf
array which contains the objects representing the companies the beneficiary of which is this applicant, and which are registered in the Sumsub system.
Field | Type | Description |
applicantId | String | Unique identifier of the company registered as an applicant in the Sumsub system. |
fullName | String | Full name of the company applicant. |
Response examples
"id": "5b594ade0a975a36c9349e66",
"createdAt": "2020-06-24 05:05:14",
"clientId": "ClientName",
"inspectionId": "5b594ade0a975a36c9379e67",
"externalUserId": "SomeExternalUserId",
"fixedInfo": {
"firstName": "Chris",
"lastName": "Smith"
"info": {
"firstName": "CHRISTIAN",
"firstNameEn": "CHRISTIAN",
"lastName": "SMITH",
"lastNameEn": "SMITH",
"dob": "1989-07-16",
"country": "DEU",
"idDocs": [
"idDocType": "ID_CARD",
"country": "DEU",
"firstName": "CHRISTIAN",
"firstNameEn": "CHRISTIAN",
"lastName": "SMITH",
"lastNameEn": "SMITH",
"validUntil": "2028-09-04",
"number": "LGXX359T8",
"dob": "1989-07-16",
"mrzLine1": "IDD<<LGXX359T88<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<",
"mrzLine2": "8907167<2809045D<<<<<<<<<<<<<8",
"mrzLine3": "SMITH<<CHRISTIAN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
"agreement": { //present when SDK was initialized with Agreement screen enabled
"createdAt": "2020-06-24 04:18:40",
"source": "WebSDK",
"targets": [
"By clicking Next, I accept [the Terms and Conditions](https://www.sumsub.com/consent-to-personal-data-processing/)",
"I agree to the processing of my personal data, as described in [the Consent to Personal Data Processing](https://sumsub.com/consent-to-personal-data-processing/)"
"email": "[email protected]",
"applicantPlatform": "Android",
"requiredIdDocs": {
"docSets": [
"idDocSetType": "IDENTITY",
"types": [
"idDocSetType": "SELFIE",
"types": [
"review": {
"elapsedSincePendingMs": 115879,
"elapsedSinceQueuedMs": 95785,
"reprocessing": true,
"levelName": "basic-kyc",
"createDate": "2020-06-24 05:11:02+0000",
"reviewDate": "2020-06-24 05:12:58+0000",
"reviewResult": {
"reviewAnswer": "GREEN"
"reviewStatus": "completed"
"lang": "de",
"type": "individual"
"id": "5ecfbe9ad5ea48743f8dd1b8",
"createdAt": "2020-05-28 13:37:30",
"clientId": "coolclientid",
"inspectionId": "5ecfbe9ad5ea48743f8dd1b9",
"externalUserId": "externalCompanyId",
"info": {
"companyInfo": {
"companyName": "SUMSUB LIMITED",
"registrationNumber": "1555555",
"country": "GBR",
"incorporatedOn": "2018-02-28 00:00:00",
"type": "ltd",
"website": "www.sumsub.com",
"beneficiaries": [
"applicantId": "5ecfbecad5ea48743f8dd438",
"positions": [
"type": "ubo",
"inRegistry": false,
"imageIds": null,
"applicant": null
"requiredIdDocs": {
"docSets": [
"idDocSetType": "COMPANY",
"types": [
"steps": [
"name": "company",
"minDocsCnt": 1,
"idDocTypes": [
"idDocSubTypes": null
"name": "ubos",
"minDocsCnt": null,
"idDocTypes": null,
"idDocSubTypes": null
"review": {
"elapsedSincePendingMs": 308656,
"elapsedSinceQueuedMs": 26993,
"reprocessing": true,
"createDate": "2020-05-29 12:22:11+0000",
"reviewDate": "2020-05-29 12:27:19+0000",
"startDate": "2020-05-29 12:26:52+0000",
"reviewResult": {
"reviewAnswer": "GREEN"
"reviewStatus": "completed"
"lang": "en",
"type": "company"