Get phone confirmation check results

Returns phone confirmation check results.


Use this method to retrieve phone confirmation check results.

Response explained

The response represents a singleton list of checks.

Root variables

The root variables are the core check result data items. Some of them may include nested attributes and element fields.

answerStringCheck answer:
  • RED — at least one of the checks returned a high risk indication.
  • YELLOW — all the checks ended up with no certain data found.
  • GREEN — at least one of the checks ended up green with no high risk indication; some YELLOW results are acceptable.
checkTypeStringIndicates this is the PHONE_CONFIRMATION check type.
createdAtDateDate and time (UTC) of the latest phone confirmation check result.
idStringUnique identifier of the check.
phoneConfirmationCheckInfoObjectIncludes specific phone check parameters with check results.

phoneConfirmationCheckInfo attributes

The following table explains the phoneConfirmationCheckInfo attributes that represent the check results of the provided phone number in accordance with specific parameters.

firstSeenAtDateDate and time the phone number was first used somewhere to identify its owner. For example, as a login on a web site.
confirmedViaOtpStringIndicates if the phone number is confirmed by the applicant via OTP (One Time Password).

GREEN means that the applicant received a confirmation code on the phone and confirmed it via SDK, null if not.
blacklistedStringIndicates whether the provided phone number is included in the known global blocklists.
  • GREEN — not found in blocklists.
  • YELLOW — no certain data found.
  • RED — found in blocklists.
riskLevelStringIndicates a verdict made by the system according to the check results and internal logic.
  • GREEN — no risk.
  • YELLOW — medium risk.
  • RED — high risk.
nonDisposableStringIndicates whether the provided phone number is a disposable one and might disappear once used.
  • GREEN — permanent phone number.
  • YELLOW — not enough data found.
  • RED — disposable phone number.
webRegistrationsExistStringIndicates if the phone number is used for registration on websites.
  • GREEN — phone number is used for registrations.
  • YELLOW — no certain data found.
  • RED — phone number was never used for registration.
activeStringIndicates if the phone number is acquired, activated by a user, and ready to receive calls.
  • GREEN — phone number is active.
  • YELLOW — no certain data found.
  • RED — phone number is inactive.
validStringIndicates if the phone number exists and is valid.
  • GREEN — phone number is valid.
  • YELLOW — no certain data found.
  • RED — phone number is invalid.
nonVirtualStringIndicates if the phone number is virtual — linked to an online account with a provider, as opposed to a specific location.
  • GREEN — a standard and non-virtual phone number.
  • YELLOW — no certain data found.
  • RED — phone number is virtual.
phoneStringPhone number.
profilesArray of stringsInformation on profiles created for social networks, services, and other platforms using the provided phone number.
riskLabelsArray of stringsA list of phone risk labels assigned by the system according to the check results and internal logic.

Available phone risk labels

The following table explains possible phone risk labels assigned in accordance with the check results.

Risk labelDescription
mediumRiskMedium-risk phone number.
A verdict made by the system according to the check results and internal logic.
highRiskHigh-risk phone number.
A verdict made by the system according to the check results and internal logic.
virtualVirtual phone that allows a user to make calls through the internet and is not associated with a physical location.
noWebRegistrationsPhone number registration on websites is not detected.
disposableDisposable phone number that usually disappears once used.

Response example

  "checks": [
      "answer": "GREEN",
      "checkType": "PHONE_CONFIRMATION",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-25 12:00:43",
      "id": "01735091-e1d4-4744-99ac-000000000000",
      "phoneConfirmationCheckInfo": {
        "firstSeenAt": null,
        "confirmedViaOtp": null,
        "blacklisted": "GREEN",
        "riskLevel": "YELLOW",
        "nonDisposable": "YELLOW",
        "webRegistrationsExist": "YELLOW",
        "active": "YELLOW",
        "valid": "YELLOW",
        "nonVirtual": "YELLOW",
        "phone": "+111 111 111 111",
        "profiles": null,
        "riskLabels": null
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