Get available currencies


Use this method to retrieve a list of currencies for which we have an exchange rate. This will help you determine the correct format for submitting transactions.

Request examples

curl -X GET \
     '' \
     -H 'accept: application/json'
curl -X GET \
     '' \
     -H 'accept: application/json'

Response explained

The response is a JSON file (array of objects) that represents the list of available currencies.

currencyCodeStringCode of the currency, e.g., ETH, USDT, BTC, USD, MKD, etc.
cryptoChainStringCrypto chain name. Specifies the network name to which the token at currencyCode belongs. Empty for native tokens (e.g. for BTC, ETH). For more information, see chain codes.

Applicable only to the crypto currency type.

Response examples

        "currencyCode": "ETH",
        "cryptoChain": ""

        "currencyCode": "USDT",
        "cryptoChain": "ETH"
        "currencyCode": "BTC",
        "cryptoChain": ""
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "cryptoChain": ""
        "currencyCode": "MKD",
        "cryptoChain": ""
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!