Import wallet addresses


Use this method to import wallet addresses of your users for further transaction processing.

When submitting the wallet data, you can send:

  • Only walletAddress, if you are ready to share the wallet addresses with Sumsub.
  • Only walletAddressHash, if you do not want to share direct wallet addresses for security reasons. Generate a SHA-256 hash of a wallet address (new Sha256Hash(walletAddress).toBase64()).
  • Both walletAddressHash and walletAddress, so you can check if your hashing function is the same as in Sumsub. In case the functions differ, the response returns an error.



To use this endpoint, you need to be registered as a VASP in the Sumsub system. Mind that VASPs should periodically import wallet addresses as they onboard new clients.

Request example

curl -X POST \
     `` \
     -H 'content-type: application/json' \
     -d '
              "walletAddress": "1njrRcKQtfjjLuQ",
              "asset": "USDT",
              "chain": "ETH"
              "walletAddressHash": "04c4926a21184665ef890493cd3c67a919f868724fc44adb933b911234567890",
              "asset": "USDT",
              "chain": "ETH"

Response explained

The response is a JSON file that contains the number of imported wallet records. If some records failed to be imported, it will be specified in the response.

The following table explains the fields of the response body.

importedCountIntegerNumber of successfully imported wallet records.
failedCountIntegerNumber of wallet records that failed to be imported.

If no errors occurred, the field contains the 0 value.
errorsArray of objectsErrors occurred during the import along with the descriptions.

If no errors occurred, this field is excluded from the response.

Response example

  "importedCount": 2,
  "failedCount": 1,
  "errors": [
      "error": "Either walletAddress or walletAddressHash must not be empty",
      "walletAddressHash": "",
      "walletAddress": ""
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!