Get additional company check data


Use this method to get the company check results after the company applicant has been reviewed.

Request example

curl -X GET \

Response explained

The response represents a list of checks with the company information. All attributes below are nullable.

Root variables

The following table explains the root variables of the response.

answerStringCompany check answer (GREEN/RED/YELLOW).
createdAtDateTime and date of the latest company check result.
companyCheckInfoObjectCompany check data.

companyCheckInfo attributes

The following table explains the companyCheckInfo attributes representing the company data checked.

companyNameStringCompany name.
companyNumberStringCompany registry number.
statusStringCompany status.
typeStringCompany type.
sourceStringCompany data source/registry.
sourceUrlStringSource URL.
webPageStringCompany web page address.
phoneStringCompany phone number.
emailStringCompany email address.
officeAddressStringCompany office address.
officeAddressStructuredObjectOffice address of the company in structured form.
legalAddressStructuredObjectLegal address of the company in structured form.
incorporatedOnDateDate of incorporation.
industryCodesArray of objectsList of industry codes and descriptions.
alternativeNamesList of StringsList of alternative company names.
licenseInfoObjectCompany license info.
officersArray of objectsList of company officers.
significantPersonsArray of objectsList of significant company persons.
affiliatedCompaniesArray of objectsList of affiliated companies (has the same attributes as companyCheckInfo).
vatNumberStringValue Added Tax number.
taxNumberStringTax number (in some jurisdictions VAT and Tax may differ).
registeredCapitalStringRegistered capital of the company.
employeesNumberStringApproximate number of employees

officeAddressStructured and legalAddressStructured attributes

countryStringAlpha-3 country code (for example, DEU, GBR, ARG, and so on).
postCodeStringPostal code.
streetStringStreet name.
subStreetStringAdditional information related to the street. This could be a house number or any other details.
townStringCity, town, or another settlement.

industryCodes attributes

codeStringCompany industry code.
descriptionStringIndustry description.

licenseInfo attributes

licenseNumberStringLicense number.
issuedDateDateDate of issue.
validUntilDateDate of expiry.

officers and significantPersons attributes

firstNameStringFirst name.
middleNameStringMiddle name.
lastNameStringLast name.
fullNameStringFull name.
phoneStringPhone number.
emailStringEmail address.
typeStringIndicates if the officer or significant person is an individual or a legal entity (Individual or Business).
shareAmountStringNumber of shares.
directOwnershipPercentDoubleDirect percentage of the value of the outstanding stock of the corporation that the stockholder owns.
indirectOwnershipPercentDoubleIndirect percentage of the value of the outstanding stock of the corporation that the stockholder owns.
beneficialOwnershipPercentDoubleBeneficial percentage of the ownership and control of the company the person has.
dobDateDate of birth.
countryStringCountry of residence.

Level of beneficial owner in the control hierarchy:

  • 0 — When the company itself is described in the structure, so there is no separation.
  • 1 — Beneficial owner directly holds an interest in the company.
  • 2 — Beneficial owner holds an interest through one intermediate company.
  • 3 — Beneficial owner holds an interest through two intermediate companies, and so on upwards.
idNumberStringIdentifier of the primary document of the officer or owner.
appointedOnDateDate of person being appointed.
correspondenceAddressStringCorrespondence address.
correspondenceAddressStructuredObjectStructured information related to the correspondence address of the company.
natureOfControlStringNature of control.

correspondenceAddressStructured attributes

postCodeStringPostal code.
countryStringAlpha-3 country code (for example, DEU, GBR, ARG, and so on).
formattedAddressStringAddress in the human readable format. For example, Design Offices, Philipsbornstraße 2, 30165 Hannover, Germany.

Response example

  "checks": [
      "answer": "GREEN",
      "createdAt": "2022-04-05 17:12:31",
      "companyCheckInfo": {
        "companyName": "your_company_name",
        "companyNumber": "00012389",
        "status": "active",
        "type": "ltd",
        "webPage" : "",
        "phone" : "+440000000000",
        "email" : "[email protected]",
        "source": "UK Government Digital Service",
        "sourceUrl": "",
        "industryCodes": [
            "code": "74909",
            "description": "Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c."
        "incorporatedOn": "2015-07-16 00:00:00",
        "officeAddress": "Office Address London England",
        "officers": [
            "fullName": "Doe Simon John",
            "type": "Individual",
            "beneficialOwnershipPercent" : 4.6,
            "dob": "1986-06-01 00:00:00",
            "nationality": "Israeli",
            "country": "Cyprus",
            "degreeOfSeparation" : 2,
            "occupation": "Manager",
            "appointedOn": "2015-07-16 00:00:00",
            "correspondenceAddress": "Correspondence Address London England",
            "correspondenceAddressStructured" : {
              "postCode" : "0000",
              "country" : "CYP",
              "formattedAddress" : "Some Address, London England"
            "role": "director",
            "status": "active"
        "significantPersons": [
            "fullName": "Some Trade Ltd",
            "type" : "Business",
            "directOwnershipPercent" : 75.0,
            "degreeOfSeparation" : 1,
            "notifiedOn": "2019-04-18 00:00:00",
            "correspondenceAddress": "Correspondence Address London England",
            "correspondenceAddressStructured" : {
              "postCode" : "0000",
              "country" : "GBR",
              "formattedAddress" : "Some Address, London England"
            "natureOfControl": "[ \"ownership-of-shares-75-to-100-percent\" , \"voting-rights-75-to-100-percent\" , \"right-to-appoint-and-remove-directors\"]",
            "status": "active"
            "fullName": "Mr John Doe",
            "type" : "Individual",
            "indirectOwnershipPercent" : 25.00,
            "degreeOfSeparation" : 2,
            "dob": "1986-06-01 00:00:00",
            "nationality": "Israeli",
            "country": "Israel",
            "notifiedOn": "2016-04-06 00:00:00",
            "correspondenceAddress": "Some St. 3570000 Haifa Israel",
            "correspondenceAddressStructured" : {
              "postCode" : "0000",
              "country" : "ISR",
              "formattedAddress" : "Some St. 3570000 Haifa Israel"
            "natureOfControl": "[ \"ownership-of-shares-75-to-100-percent\"]",
            "status": "resigned"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!