Use this method to get the company check results after the company applicant has been reviewed.
curl -X GET \
The response represents a list of checks
with the company information. All attributes below are nullable.
Name | Type | Description |
answer | String | Company check answer (GREEN /RED /YELLOW ). |
createdAt | Date | Time and date of the latest company check result. |
companyCheckInfo | Object | Company check data. |
Name | Type | Description |
companyName | String | Company name. |
companyNumber | String | Company registry number. |
status | String | Company status. |
type | String | Company type. |
source | String | Company data source/registry. |
sourceUrl | String | Source URL. |
webPage | String | Company web page address. |
officeAddress | String | Company office address. |
incorporatedOn | Date | Date of incorporation. |
industryCodes | List of Objects | List of industry codes and descriptions. |
alternativeNames | List of Strings | List of alternative company names. |
licenseInfo | Object | Company license info. |
officers | List of Objects | List of company officers. |
significantPersons | List of Objects | List of significant company persons. |
affiliatedCompanies | List of Objects | List of affiliated companies - has the same attributes as companyCheckInfo . |
Name | Type | Description |
code | String | Company industry code. |
description | String | Industry description. |
Name | Type | Description |
licenseNumber | String | License number. |
issuedDate | Date | Date of issue. |
validUntil | Date | Date of expiry. |
Name | Type | Description |
fullName | String | Full name. |
dob | Date | Date of birth. |
nationality | String | Nationality. |
country | String | Country of residence. |
occupation | String | Occupation. |
appointedOn | Date | Date of person being appointed. |
correspondenceAddress | String | Correspondence address. |
natureOfControl | String | Nature of control. |
role | String | Role. |
status | String | Status. |
"checks": [
"answer": "GREEN",
"createdAt": "2022-04-05 17:12:31",
"companyCheckInfo": {
"companyName": "your_company_name",
"companyNumber": "00012389",
"status": "active",
"type": "ltd",
"source": "UK Government Digital Service",
"sourceUrl": "",
"industryCodes": [
"code": "74909",
"description": "Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c."
"incorporatedOn": "2015-07-16 00:00:00",
"officeAddress": "Office Address London England",
"officers": [
"fullName": "Doe Simon John",
"dob": "1986-06-01 00:00:00",
"nationality": "Israeli",
"country": "Cyprus",
"occupation": "Manager",
"appointedOn": "2015-07-16 00:00:00",
"correspondenceAddress": "Correspondence Address London England",
"role": "director",
"status": "active"
"significantPersons": [
"fullName": "Some Trade Ltd",
"notifiedOn": "2019-04-18 00:00:00",
"correspondenceAddress": "Correspondence Address London England",
"natureOfControl": "[ \"ownership-of-shares-75-to-100-percent\" , \"voting-rights-75-to-100-percent\" , \"right-to-appoint-and-remove-directors\"]",
"status": "active"
"fullName": "Mr John Doe",
"dob": "1986-06-01 00:00:00",
"nationality": "Israeli",
"country": "Israel",
"notifiedOn": "2016-04-06 00:00:00",
"correspondenceAddress": "Some St. 3570000 Haifa Israel",
"natureOfControl": "[ \"ownership-of-shares-75-to-100-percent\"]",
"status": "resigned"