Submit transaction for non-existing applicant

Initiates transaction processing for non-existing applicants.


This method works in the same way as Submit transaction for existing applicant, but intended for cases where you do not have an applicant with externalUserId that you want to pass within the applicant object.

When using this method, a new applicant will be created automatically based on the provided levelName and the data taken from the applicant object.

Response explained

The response contains information on the created transaction with the data object and additional objects holding the current review and scoring transaction state.

idStringNoA unique transaction identification number.
applicantIdStringNoA unique applicant identification number.
scoreIntegerYesTransaction review scoring.
dataObjectNoTransaction data sent previously.
reviewObjectNoTransaction review result.
scoringResultObjectYesDetailed information on transaction scoring.

review attributes

reviewStatusStringNoTransaction status ( onHold, completed, init).
reviewResultObjectYesObject representing the transaction review result.
reviewResult.reviewAnswerStringYesGREEN (approved), RED (rejected).

scoringResult attributes

matchedRulesArray of ObjectsYesList of matched rules.
actionStringNoResult of all matched rules combined (score/onHold/reject).

matchedRules attributes

idStringNoRule ID.
nameStringYesRule name.
titleStringYesRule title.
scoreIntegerYesAmount that will be added to the overall score if the rule matches.
actionStringNoResult action of the matched rule (score/onHold/reject).
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!