Get applicant fraud networks


Use this method to retrieve the fraud networks related to a certain applicant, provided such networks exist. The response would contain the found networks sorted by the date they were modified.



If you want to get:

Request example

The following request example returns all the found fraud networks related to the specified applicantId.

curl -X GET \

Response explained

networkObjectIncludes the attributes of the network.
statsObjectIncludes the statistic attributes related to the network.
notesArray of objectsContains the note added to the case and the notes attributes.

network attributes

idStringUnique network identifier.
createdAtDateDate and time when the network was created.
modifiedAtDateDate and time when the network was last modified.
nodesArray of objectsIncludes the data that explains how the applicant is associated with the network.

nodes object

idStringUnique applicant identifier.
ipsArray of stringsArray of IP addresses connected with the applicant.
deviceFingerprintsArray of stringsArray of device fingerprints connected with the applicant.
imageTemplatesArray of objectsIncludes the data about the applicant documents, their types and identifiers.
addedAtDateDate and time when the applicant was added to the network.

imageTemplates object

templateTypeStringType of connection including address, fingerprint, ip, poaTemplate, documentTemplate, selfieTemplate, cookie, livenessDevice, and so on.
addressStringApplicant POA address (not empty for templateType=address).
referenceImageIdStringUnique applicant image identifier that belongs to the applicant of the same node.
idDocTypeStringApplicant document type.
idDocSubTypeStringApplicant document subtype.
imageTemplateIdStringUnique template identification number. Similar documents, selfies, or other images have the same imageTemplateId.

stats attributes

GREENIntegerAmount of approved applicants.
REDIntegerAmount of rejected applicants
sizeIntegerNetwork size.
networkReasonsStringIndicates the reasons for network creation and its similarities.

Possible values:
  • address — applicants added POA with the same addresses.
  • fingerprint — applicants used shared devices when going through the KYC check.
  • ip — applicants used the same IP addresses.
  • poaTemplate — applicants have similar POA.
  • documentTemplate — applicants have similar documents.
  • selfieTemplate — selfies of the applicants have the same background.
  • cookie — another indicator that applicants used shared devices during the KYC check.
  • livenessDevice — indicates that applicants used shared device and camera during the Liveness check.
topCountriesMap of String,Integer pairsTop applicant countries with a counter.
medianAgeDoubleMedian age of the applicants included in the network.

notes object

idStringUnique note identifier.
targetIdIntegerObject (networkId) the note relates to.
In general case, it also could be applicant, transaction, amlCase, kytCase.
noteStringNote added to the case.
createdAtDateDate and time when the note was created.
modifiedAtDateDate and time when the note was last modified.
createdByStringNote creator name.
tagsArray of stringsAdded tags.
attachmentsArray of stringsInformation about the note attachments.

Response example

  "list": {
    "items": [
        "network": {
          "id": "6527f5885694ddb4054b658a",
          "createdAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000",
          "modifiedAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000",
          "nodes": [
              "id": "6527f4f021031b3dec9785e1", // applicant id
              "ips": [
              "deviceFingerprints": [
              "imageTemplates": [
                  "templateType": "poaTemplate",
                  "referenceImageId": 1121273889, // image id within the applicant
                  "idDocType": "UTILITY_BILL",
                  "idDocSubType": "FRONT_SIDE",
                  "imageTemplateId": "cd6070288f0645c29d76712c514e62c0" // unique id of the group of POAs
                  "templateType": "poaTemplate",
                  "referenceImageId": 1667162048,
                  "idDocType": "DRIVERS",
                  "idDocSubType": "BACK_SIDE",
                  "imageTemplateId": "139a87b4645441fdb0916be110f7e1c2"
              "addedAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000"
              "id": "6527f4a521031b3dec9785cd",
              "ips": [
              "deviceFingerprints": [
        "stats": {
          "GREEN": 0,
          "RED": 1,
          "size": 4,
          "networkReasons": [
          "topCountries": {
            "ALB": 1,
            "DZA": 1
        "notes": [
            "id": "652804f23ad8116578e0d619",
            "targetId": "6527f5885694ddb4054b658a",
            "targetType": "applicantFraudNetwork",
            "note": "Due to suspected fraud, access must be restricted to determine further action.",
            "createdAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000",
            "modifiedAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000",
            "createdBy": "Service",
            "tags": [
              "fraud" // tags as set up in the global settings section
        "totalItems": 1
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!