Change transaction properties

Updates transaction custom properties in the props field.


Use this endpoint to add or change the transaction properties. In effect, the method updates the props object within the transaction structure (see the request and response examples below).

You can also remove a transaction property (one per request) by specifying the unsetKey value in the request.



For more information about the transaction structure, refer to this article.

Request examples

curl -X PATCH \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "customProperty": "New custom value",
        "customPropertyTwo": "Another custom value",
        "customPropertyThree": "One more custom value"
curl -X PATCH \
     '' \
     -H 'content-type: application/json' \
     -d '{
           "customProperty": "New custom value",
           "customPropertyTwo": "Updated custom value"

Response explained

The response is a JSON file that represents the full and structured transaction data. See the response structure, possible content with descriptions on the following page.

Mind the props object where you can see the fields you have changed or added.

Response example

  "id": "66335d9a243caf0000000000",
  "applicantId": "662edfdb7a26390000000000",
  "externalUserId": "PlatformEvent0001",
  "clientId": "",
  "data": {
    "txnId": "general0001",
    "txnDate": "2024-04-29 02:30:12+0000",
    "applicant": {
      "externalUserId": "PlatformEvent0001",
      "fullName": "Users Fullname",
      "address": {
        "flatNumber": "usersAddFlatNumber",
        "subStreet": "usersAddSbSt",
        "street": "usersAddSt",
        "state": "usersAddState",
        "buildingNumber": "usersAddBuildNum",
        "town": "usersAddressTown",
        "postCode": "000000",
        "country": "CAN",
        "formattedAddress": "usersAddSt, usersAddSbSt usersAddBuildNum usersAddFlatNumber, usersAddressTown, usersAddState, Canada, 000000"
      "type": "individual",
      "device": {
        "ipInfo": {
          "ip": "242.1.1",
          "riskyAsn": false
        "userAgent": "usersDeviceUA",
        "sessionId": "usersDeviceSesId",
        "sessionAgeMs": 18,
        "acceptLang": "en",
        "platform": "Mobile",
        "coords": {
          "lat": -1.7976931348623157,
          "lon": 1.7976931348623157,
          "accuracy": 10
        "fingerprint": "usersDeviceFing"
    "type": "userPlatformEvent",
    "props": {
      "customPropertyTwo": "newValueTwo",
      "customPropertyThree": "newValueThree",
      "customProperty": "newValue",
      "dailyOutLimit": "10000"
    "userPlatformEventInfo": {
      "type": "general",
      "failure": true
  "score": 0,
  "review": {
    "reviewId": "XvSHf",
    "attemptId": "QaUMN",
    "attemptCnt": 1,
    "elapsedSincePendingMs": 149,
    "elapsedSinceQueuedMs": 149,
    "createDate": "2024-05-02 09:32:10+0000",
    "reviewResult": {
      "reviewAnswer": "GREEN"
    "reviewStatus": "completed"
  "createdAt": "2024-05-02 09:32:10+0000",
  "scoringResult": {
    "score": 0,
    "dryScore": 0,
    "matchedRules": [
        "id": "6602a0f43d40c8131dc4e17a",
        "name": "AFP1-agg-beh-eve-for-user-pla-eve-BBKP",
        "revision": 1,
        "title": "Aggregate behavioral events for user platform events",
        "score": 0,
        "dryRun": false,
        "action": "score",
        "stage": "pre",
        "preScoringRunnerType": "behavioralEvents"
    "unmatchedRules": [],
    "action": "score",
    "ruleCnt": 2,
    "dryRunRuleCnt": 0,
    "tagScores": []
  "typedTags": [],
  "txnInactive": false
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!