Reset verification steps

Resets the specified verification step.


Use this method in scenarios where it is required for the applicant to go through a particular verification step—verification type an applicant has to complete—again.

In effect, the method deactivates the specified step in the SDKs, allowing it to be re-initiated and new data to be collected.



You cannot reset each of all the verification steps. See the list of available steps for reset below.

Available steps to reset

The following table details the verification steps available for reset.

Step identifierDescription
APPLICANT_DATAType of verification where an applicant needs to provide personal data in the fields pre-configured when adding the Applicant data step to the verification level.

For example, you could select the field types from the predefined list and request such data as the first name, last name, phone number, date of birth, tax residence country, and so on, or add custom fields to request additional information.
IDENTITYID verification where an applicant has to submit a photo of identity document to be verified. This type is added to the verification level as the Identity document step.

When adding this step, you can request to submit an ID card, passport, driver’s license, and residence permit as an identity document either all or some of them at one step, or configure additional steps (IDENTITY2, IDENTITY3, IDENTITY4) for each document.

⚠️ Mind that if you have selected all the available document types in one step, you will not be able to add another IDENTITY step to the level.
IDENTITY2Same as IDENTITY. Used in case you decide to add a separate required step to the verification level for each document or some of them.
IDENTITY3Same as IDENTITY. Used in case you decide to add a separate required step to the verification level for each document or some of them.
IDENTITY4Same as IDENTITY. Used in case you decide to add a separate required step to the verification level for each document or some of them.
SELFIEType of verification where an applicant needs to complete any of the following Selfie options:If you need an applicant to pass two steps of the above, add the 2nd selfie step to the verification level.
SELFIE2Same as SELFIE. Used in case you need to add another Selfie option to the verification level.
PROOF_OF_RESIDENCEAddress verification where an applicant is required to provide proof of residency. At this step, the option of using geolocation is available.

If you need an applicant to provide one more document for residence confirmation, add the 2nd proof of address step to the verification level.
PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE2Similar to PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE. Used in case you need to add another Proof of address step to the verification level.

Mind that the option of using geolocation for PoA is unavailable at this step.
QUESTIONNAIREType of verification where an applicant is required to fill in the pre-configured questionnaire.

Note that you cannot add this step to the verification level if no questionnaire is created in your system.
PHONE_VERIFICATIONType of verification where the applicant’s phone number is checked to verify whether it is blocklisted or not, and how much risk the specified phone number poses.
EMAIL_VERIFICATIONType of verification where the applicant's email address is checked to verify its credibility, whether it is blocklisted or not, and how much risk the specified email address poses.
E_KYCThis is a non-doc type of verification where an applicant is verified through government databases and official bank verification systems without documents.

For more information, see Non-Doc Verification.

Request example

curl -X POST \

Response explained

If the request is successfully sent and processed, you will get the following response:

  "ok": 1

If the request fails, you will receive an HTTP response containing an error code along with a message explaining the error.

For example:

  "description": "Applicant with id 63e099da46199a0000000000 doesn't have a step IDENTITY2",
  "code": 409,
  "correlationId": "8459080186aa5aaea8dc4e0000000000"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!