Use this method to retrieve the fraud network by networkId
. You can only get one network at a time.
If you want to get:
- All existing fraud networks, use this method.
- Fraud networks by
, use this method.
Request example
The following request example returns the fraud network by the specified networkId
Response explained
Name | Type | Description |
network | Object | Includes the attributes of the network. |
stats | Object | Includes the statistic attributes related to the network. |
notes | Array of objects | Contains the note added to the case and the notes attributes. |
attributesName | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique network identification number. |
createdAt | Date | Date and time when the network was created. |
modifiedAt | Date | Date and time when the network was last modified. |
nodes | Array of objects | Includes the data that explains how the applicant is associated with the network. |
objectName | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique applicant identifier. |
ips | Array of strings | Array of IP addresses connected with the applicant. |
deviceFingerprints | Array of strings | Array of device fingerprints connected with the applicant. |
imageTemplates | Array of objects | Includes the data about the applicant documents, their types and identifiers. |
addedAt | Date | Time and date when the applicant was added to the network. |
objectName | Type | Description |
templateType | String | Type of connection including address , fingerprint , ip , poaTemplate , documentTemplate , selfieTemplate , cookie , livenessDevice , and so on. |
address | String | Applicant POA address (not empty for templateType=address ). |
referenceImageId | String | Unique applicant image identifier that belongs to the applicant of the same node. |
idDocType | String | Applicant document type. |
idDocSubType | String | Applicant document subtype. |
imageTemplateId | String | Unique template identification number. Similar documents, selfies, or other images have the same imageTemplateId . |
attributesName | Type | Description |
GREEN | Integer | Amount of approved applicants. |
RED | Integer | Amount of rejected applicants |
size | Integer | Network size. |
networkReasons | String | Indicates the reasons for network creation and its similarities. Possible values:
topCountries | Map of String,Integer pairs | Top applicant countries with a counter. |
medianAge | Double | Median age of the applicants included in the network. |
objectName | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique note identifier. |
targetId | Integer | Object (networkId ) the note relates to. |
targetType | String | applicantFraudNetwork .In general case, it also could be applicant , transaction , amlCase , kytCase . |
note | String | Note added to the case. |
createdAt | Date | Time and date when the note was created. |
modifiedAt | Date | Time and date when the note was last modified. |
createdBy | String | Note creator name. |
tags | Array of strings | Added tags. |
attachments | Array of strings | Information about the note attachments. |
clientNote | Boolean | True . |
Response example
"network": {
"id": "6527f5885694ddb4054b658a",
"createdAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000",
"modifiedAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000",
"nodes": [
"id": "6527f4f021031b3dec9785e1", // applicant id
"ips": [
"deviceFingerprints": [
"imageTemplates": [
"templateType": "poaTemplate",
"referenceImageId": 1121273889, // image id within the applicant
"idDocType": "UTILITY_BILL",
"idDocSubType": "FRONT_SIDE",
"imageTemplateId": "cd6070288f0645c29d76712c514e62c0" // unique id of the group of POAs
"templateType": "poaTemplate",
"referenceImageId": 1667162048,
"idDocType": "DRIVERS",
"idDocSubType": "BACK_SIDE",
"imageTemplateId": "139a87b4645441fdb0916be110f7e1c2"
"addedAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000"
"id": "6527f4a521031b3dec9785cd",
"ips": [
"deviceFingerprints": [
"stats": {
"GREEN": 0,
"RED": 1,
"size": 4,
"networkReasons": [
"topCountries": {
"ALB": 1,
"DZA": 1
"notes": [
"id": "652804f23ad8116578e0d619",
"targetId": "6527f5885694ddb4054b658a",
"targetType": "applicantFraudNetwork",
"note": "Due to suspected fraud, access must be restricted to determine further action.",
"createdAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000",
"modifiedAt": "2023-10-12 14:38:42+0000",
"createdBy": "Service",
"tags": [
"fraud" // tags as set up in the global settings section