Rescores the specified transaction.
Use this method to rescore transactions.
Rescoring is useful in cases when the transaction data or rules change. Once the method is applied, the system processes the new data and updates the transaction score accordingly.
You can rescore transactions from the Dashboard. Click the menu button to the right of the required transaction, and select Rescore.
Request example
curl -X POST \
Response explained
The response is a JSON file that represents the full and structured transaction data. See the response structure and possible content with descriptions on this page.
Response example
"id": "66335d9a243caf315d8c36ef",
"applicantId": "662edfdb7a26397a65d3bdc6",
"externalUserId": "PlatformEvent0001",
"clientId": "",
"data": {
"txnId": "general0001",
"txnDate": "2024-04-29 02:30:12+0000",
"applicant": {
"externalUserId": "PlatformEvent0001",
"fullName": "Users Fullname",
"address": {
"flatNumber": "usersAddFlatNumber",
"subStreet": "usersAddSbSt",
"street": "usersAddSt",
"state": "usersAddState",
"buildingNumber": "usersAddBuildNum",
"town": "usersAddressTown",
"postCode": "000000",
"country": "CAN",
"formattedAddress": "usersAddSt, usersAddSbSt usersAddBuildNum usersAddFlatNumber, usersAddressTown, usersAddState, Canada, 000000"
"type": "individual",
"device": {
"ipInfo": {
"ip": "242.1.1",
"riskyAsn": false
"userAgent": "usersDeviceUA",
"sessionId": "usersDeviceSesId",
"sessionAgeMs": 18,
"acceptLang": "en",
"platform": "Mobile",
"coords": {
"lat": -1.7976931348623157,
"lon": 1.7976931348623157,
"accuracy": 10
"fingerprint": "usersDeviceFing"
"type": "userPlatformEvent",
"userPlatformEventInfo": {
"type": "general",
"failure": true
"score": 0,
"review": {
"reviewId": "XvSHf",
"attemptId": "QaUMN",
"attemptCnt": 1,
"elapsedSincePendingMs": 149,
"elapsedSinceQueuedMs": 149,
"createDate": "2024-05-02 09:32:10+0000",
"reviewResult": {
"reviewAnswer": "GREEN"
"reviewStatus": "completed"
"createdAt": "2024-05-02 09:32:10+0000",
"scoringResult": {
"score": 0,
"dryScore": 0,
"matchedRules": [
"id": "6602a0f43d40c8131dc4e17a",
"name": "AFP1-agg-beh-eve-for-user-pla-eve-BBKP",
"revision": 1,
"title": "Aggregate behavioral events for user platform events",
"score": 0,
"dryRun": false,
"action": "score",
"stage": "pre",
"preScoringRunnerType": "behavioralEvents"
"unmatchedRules": [],
"action": "score",
"ruleCnt": 2,
"dryRunRuleCnt": 0,
"tagScores": []
"typedTags": [],
"txnInactive": false