Get available VASPs


Use this method to get the list of VASPs from the Sumsub VASP directory. This directory contains VASPs received from the blockchain analytic tools provided by the partner or other sources.

The information we exchange includes the number of VASPs you need the information about and the detailed information about each VASP.

Request example

curl -X GET \

Response explained

The response is a JSON file containing a list of VASPs, along with detailed information about each one.

itemsArray of objectsEach object represents a single VASP with specific details included.
totalItemsIntegerNumber of all VASPs in the Sumsub directory.

items element fields

The following table describes the element fields that represent specific details of the VASP.

supportsSnsProtocolBooleanIndicates if a VASP is reachable via Sumsub Protocol (true), or not (false).
supportsGtrProtocolBooleanIndicates if a VASP is reachable via GTR Protocol (true) or not (false).
supportsCodeProtocolBooleanIndicates if a VASP is reachable via CODE Protocol (true) or not (false).
idStringUnique identifier of the VASP.
createdAtDateDate and time when the VASP was created in the Sumsub directory.
nameStringVASP name as it is registered in the directory.
companyInfosObjectIncludes general information of the VASP with the score assigned. The information is grouped into a list of objects representing the VASP registrations in different countries under particular legal names.
urlStringVASP official website.
emailStringOfficial VASP email address for contacts.
verificationIdStringVASP verification identifier.
essentialChecksStatusStringStatus of the Essential Checks.

  • initiated — VASP checks have been initiated.
  • essentialChecksDone — Essential Check has been completed.
  • extendedEssentialChecksDone — Extended Essential Check has been completed.
  • rejected — VASP is rejected due to the Essential Checks results.
dueDiligenceStatusStringStatus of the Due Diligence procedure.

  • notStarted — VASP has not attempted to complete the due diligence questionnaire.
  • inProgress — VASP has either started filling this questionnaire, or has filled it and it is currently being reviewed by Sumsub.
  • completed — VASP has completed the questionnaire and it has been reviewed by Sumsub. The VASP Due Diligence report is available for this VASP.
  • rejected — VASP has been rejected due to certain data.
riskScoreAnswerDoubleData based on the vendor information about VASP type:

  • GREEN — if the VASP type is exchange_licensed
  • YELLOW — if the VASP type is exchange_unlicensed, payment, other, atm, p2p_exchange_unlicensed, marketplace, liquidity_pools, transparent, gambling.
  • RED — otherwise.
hiddenBooleanIf this parameter returns true, it indicates that this VASP should be ignored (for example, it is a duplicate but remains in the system).

companyInfos attributes

The following table explains the companyInfos attributes.

listArray of objectsIncludes general information of the VASP with the score assigned. Each object represents an individual VASP registration in a certain country and/or under a particular legal name.
modifiedAtDateDate and time when the list was last updated.

list element fields

The following table describes the list element fields that provide specific details about a VASP.

legalNameStringLegally registered name of the VASP.
licenseAuthorityStringAlpha-3 country code (ISO 3166-1) of the country where the VASP must be licensed.
addressObjectVASP address details.
registrationNumberStringVASP legal registration number.

VASP legal status.

  • regulated — VASP is under the supervision of one or more financial regulatory authorities.
  • licensed — VASP holds an official license (or permit) issued by a relevant government body.
  • unlicensed — VASP does not hold a valid license in the given jurisdiction. “Unlicensed” does not necessarily mean illegal activity in every jurisdiction but does indicate an absence of the required license.
  • temporaryExemption — VASP is temporarily exempt from certain regulatory or licensing requirements.
supervisorAuthorityStringName of the authorized body overseeing the VASP.
scoreDoubleGeneral score on the VASP profile based on the scoreCriteria.
scoreCriteriaArray of objectsIncludes different types of score criteria with individual score to each type.
scoreModifiedAtDateDate and time when the score was last modified.

address attributes

buildingNameStringBuilding name.
flatNumberStringFlat or apartment number.
subStreetStringAdditional information related to the street. This could be a house number or any other details.
subStreetEnStringAutomatic transliteration of the additional information related to the street into Latin characters.
streetStringStreet name.
streetEnStringAutomatic transliteration of the street name into Latin characters.
stateStringState, region, district, county or another territorial entity inside a country.
stateEnStringAutomatic transliteration of the territorial entity into Latin characters.
buildingNumberStringBuilding number.
townStringCity, town, or another settlement.
townEnStringAutomatic transliteration of the settlement into Latin characters.
postCodeStringAddress postal code.
countryStringAlpha-3 country code (for example, DEU, GBR, ARG, and so on).
formattedAddressStringAddress in a human readable format. For example, Design Offices, Philipsbornstraße 2, 30165 Hannover, Germany.

Response example

  "list": {
    "items": [
        "supportsSnsProtocol" : true,
        "supportsGtrProtocol" : true,
        "supportsCodeProtocol" : true,        
        "id": "645f553e531df53e1cc707fe",
        "createdAt": "2023-05-13 09:15:42+0000",
        "name": "ABCC",
        "companyInfos": {
          "list": [
              "legalName": "Alphabit Consulting Pte Ltd",
              "licenseAuthority": "SGP",
              "address": {
                "country": "SGP",
                "formattedAddress": "Singapore"
              "registrationNumber": "201809216G",
              "status": "unlicensed",
              "supervisorAuthority": "Monetary Authority of Singapore",
              "score": 55,
              "scoreCriteria": [
                  "score": 30,
                  "type": "companyStatus"
                  "score": 10,
                  "type": "companyRegulation"
                  "score": 0,
                  "type": "country"
                  "score": 15,
                  "type": "riskScore"
                  "score": 0,
                  "type": "aml"
                  "score": 0,
                  "type": "scam"
              "scoreModifiedAt": "2025-01-31 17:23:31+0000"
          "modifiedAt": "2023-06-16 00:00:00+0000"
        "url": "",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "verificationId": "65afbe27eaa7a652685610bc",
        "essentialChecksStatus": "extendedEssentialChecksDone",
        "dueDiligenceStatus": "notStarted",
        "riskScoreAnswer": "YELLOW",
        "hidden": false
        "supportsSnsProtocol" : true,
        "supportsGtrProtocol" : true,
        "supportsCodeProtocol" : true,        
        "id": "645f57f0d0e9a00699d21ef7",
        "createdAt": "2023-05-13 09:27:12+0000",
        "name": "ACEExchange",
        "companyInfos": {
          "list": [
              "legalName": "Ace Digital Innovation Co., Ltd. (王牌數位創新股份有限公司)",
              "licenseAuthority": "TWN",
              "address": {
                "country": "TWN",
                "formattedAddress": "Taiwan"
              "registrationNumber": "50778671",
              "status": "regulated",
              "supervisorAuthority": "Financial Supervisory Commission Taiwan",
              "score": 52,
              "scoreCriteria": [
                  "score": 30,
                  "type": "companyStatus"
                  "score": 5,
                  "type": "companyRegulation"
                  "score": 2,
                  "type": "country"
                  "score": 15,
                  "type": "riskScore"
                  "score": 0,
                  "type": "aml"
                  "type": "scam"
              "scoreModifiedAt": "2024-02-20 12:27:56+0000"
          "modifiedAt": "2023-06-01 00:00:00+0000"
        "url": "",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "verificationId": "65afbe27eaa7a65268561105",
        "essentialChecksStatus": "extendedEssentialChecksDone",
        "dueDiligenceStatus": "notStarted",
        "riskScoreAnswer": "YELLOW",
        "hidden": true
        "supportsSnsProtocol" : true,
        "supportsGtrProtocol" : true,
        "supportsCodeProtocol" : true,        
        "id": "645f591c230c8f2736f3fb5b",
        "createdAt": "2023-05-13 09:32:12+0000",
        "name": "Alberta Bitcoin Exchange",
        "companyInfos": {
          "list": [
              "legalName": "Alberta Bitcoin Exchange",
              "licenseAuthority": "CAN",
              "address": {
                "country": "CAN",
                "formattedAddress": "Canada"
              "registrationNumber": "2021457110",
              "status": "licensed",
              "supervisorAuthority": "Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) #M20399205",
              "score": 30,
              "scoreCriteria": [
                  "score": 30,
                  "type": "companyStatus"
                  "score": 0,
                  "type": "companyRegulation"
                  "score": 0,
                  "type": "country"
                  "score": 0,
                  "type": "riskScore"
                  "score": 0,
                  "type": "aml"
                  "score": 0,
                  "type": "scam"
              "scoreModifiedAt": "2025-01-31 17:23:32+0000"
          "modifiedAt": "2022-10-03 00:00:00+0000"
        "url": "",
        "email": "",
        "verificationId": "659e6f7ce0d99353f99a76f1",
        "essentialChecksStatus": "extendedEssentialChecksDone",
        "dueDiligenceStatus": "notStarted",
        "riskScoreAnswer": "GREEN",
        "hidden": false
    "totalItems": 2107
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!