Chainalysis crypto transactions

Use Sumsub API to send and receive Chainalysis сrypto transactions monitoring data.

If you use Chainalysis as your crypto transactions analytics provider, there are a few options of the expected payloads to be made for BYOK integration to work effectively.

Monitor the following via Chainalysis:

  • Pre-check withdrawal attempts
  • Check the completed transactions in both directions in and out

Below you will find the samples of the Chainalysis crypto transactions processing along with the required fields. When initiating processing, submit the main transaction monitoring fields and those ones that specified in the withdrawal/transfer examples.


The following is an example of a withdrawal (out) transaction. For such transactions, the following fields are required:

  • info.type
  • counterparty.paymentMethod.accountId
  "txnId": "bgi47c04whc43ra2skg8bv",
  "applicant": {
    "externalUserId": "dash-aa5510c1-4ed4-4015-bc3c-4d916220cbaa",
    "fullName": "John Smit",
    "type": "individual",
    "paymentMethod": {
      "type": "crypto"
  "counterparty": {
    "externalUserId": "peanbpa9x4bgptzkrzr3qt",
    "fullName": "Jack Posek",
    "type": "individual",
    "paymentMethod": {
      "type": "crypto",
      "accountId": "1EM4e8eu2S2RQrbS8C6aYnunWpkAwQ8GtG"
  "type": "finance",
  "info": {
    "type": "withdrawal",
    "direction": "out",
    "amount": 2,
    "currencyCode": "BTC",
    "currencyType": "crypto",
    "amountInDefaultCurrency": 95238.09523809524,
    "defaultCurrencyCode": "EUR",
    "paymentDetails": "Birthday Present"


The following is an example of a transfer (in) transaction. For such transactions, the following fields are required:

  • applicant.paymentMethod.accountId
  • info.paymentTxnId
  • info.currencyCode
  • info.cryptoChain (not presented in this sample)
  "txnId": "7hjyiypvs89ewbcv9p0ojj",
  "applicant": {
    "externalUserId": "dash-aa5510c1-4ed4-4015-bc3c-4d916220cbaa",
    "fullName": "John Smit",
    "type": "individual",
    "paymentMethod": {
      "type": "crypto",
      "accountId": "0x5cc17d0fa620FE99dAEAa87365C63b453BC47664"
  "counterparty": {
    "externalUserId": "peanbpa9x4bgptzkrzr3qt",
    "fullName": "Jack Posek",
    "type": "individual",
    "paymentMethod": {
      "type": "crypto"
  "type": "finance",
  "info": {
    "paymentTxnId": "0xdd6364536f5f05cc1ea75709b676e2b1b37fad2792d3a71fb537db13100fc6b8",
    "direction": "in",
    "amount": 2,
    "currencyCode": "ETH",
    "currencyType": "crypto",
    "amountInDefaultCurrency": 5720.823798627002,
    "defaultCurrencyCode": "EUR",
    "paymentDetails": "Birthday Present"