Get IP check results

Returns IP check results.


Use this method to retrieve IP check results.

Response explained

The response represents a singleton list of IP checks.

answerStringCheck answer:
  • RED — the check returned a high risk indication.
  • YELLOW — the check ended up with no data found.
  • GREEN — the check ended up successfully.
checkTypeStringIndicates this is the IP_CHECK check type.
createdAtDateDate and time (UTC) of the latest IP check result.
idStringUnique identifier of the check.
ipCheckInfoObjectIP check parameters with results.

ipCheckInfo attributes

The following table explains the IP check parameters with results.

ipStringIP address of the device.
ipInfoObjectIP address related data.
internetServiceProviderStringCompany name of the internet service provider.
connectionTypeStringIndicates the type of internet connection (residential, business, cellular, and so on).
organizationStringLegal name of the internet provider.
proxyStringIndicates whether a proxy server is used and labels it as safe (GREEN), suspicious (YELLOW), or risky (RED).
vpnStringIndicates whether a VPN is used and labels it as safe (GREEN), suspicious (YELLOW), or risky (RED).
torStringIndicates whether the detected IP address is tunneled through other devices and labels the connection as safe (GREEN), suspicious (YELLOW), or risky (RED).
riskLevelStringLabels the detected IP address as safe (GREEN), suspicious (YELLOW), or risky (RED).
riskScoreDoubleIndicates the risk score (from 0.01 to 99) calculated by the system where more than 10 is risky.

ipInfo attributes

The following table explains the ipInfo attributes representing the IP address related data.

ipStringIP address of the device.
countryCode2StringCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
countryCode3StringCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
cityStringCity the IP address belongs to.
zipCodeStringZIP code.
stateStringName of the state or region if applicable.
stateCodeStringCode of the state or region if applicable.
latDoubleReturns a double value representing the latitude of the position in decimal degrees.
lonDoubleReturns a double value representing the longitude of the position in decimal degrees.
asnIntegerAutonomous System Number.
asnOrgStringASN organization.
riskyAsnBooleanDetermines whether the ASN is risky (true) or not (false).

Response example

  "checks": [
      "answer": "RED",
      "checkType": "IP_CHECK",
      "createdAt": "2024-05-16 05:55:31",
      "id": "551d88ba-896d-4f4a-970d-44457fe4be0f",
      "ipCheckInfo": {
        "ip": "",
        "ipInfo": {
          "ip": "",
          "countryCode2": "DE",
          "countryCode3": "DEU",
          "city": "Frankfurt am Main",
          "zipCode": "60313",
          "lat": 50.1187,
          "lon": 8.6842,
          "asn": 16509,
          "asnOrg": "AMAZON-02",
          "riskyAsn": false
        "internetServiceProvider": "",
        "connectionType": "hosting",
        "organization": "AMAZON-02",
        "proxy": "GREEN",
        "vpn": "RED",
        "tor": "GREEN",
        "riskLevel": "RED",
        "riskScore": 12.5
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