Patch transaction with chain transaction ID

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Use this method to add an already approved transaction to the Sumsub Travel Rule. In effect, you apply the transferred asset result (transaction identifier) to the asset transfer details.



The data we exchange includes the Sumsub transaction ID and the transaction ID derived from your system.

Request example

curl -X PATCH \ '' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{ "paymentTxnId": "3213654zdrgsetrr51435ergh453t5z43rb" }'

Response explained

If the request was sent and processed correctly, you will get a JSON file that represents the structured transaction information. The existence of some fields depends on the transaction type and matched rules.

Response examples

As a result of successful request, paymentTxnId is added to the attributes.

{ "id": "66fbbc072c633f3ea10c9dad", "applicantId": "66fbbc072c633f3ea10c9da9", "externalUserId": "1jhdkl44pqyud1kovvfwmm", "clientId": "your_cool_id", "data": { "txnId": "p3p0s3g2liovkgibmym1h", "txnDate": "2024-10-01 09:08:22+0000", "applicant": { "externalUserId": "1jhdkl44pqyud1kovvfwmm", "fullName": "John Posek", "type": "individual", "paymentMethod": { "type": "account", "accountId": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa" }, "device": { "ipInfo": { "ip": "", "countryCode2": "DE", "countryCode3": "DEU", "city": "Berlin", "zipCode": "13357", "lat": 52.5481, "lon": 13.3844, "asn": 3320, "asnOrg": "Deutsche Telekom AG", "riskyAsn": false }, "fingerprint": "9l5y22eqpso" } }, "counterparty": { "externalUserId": "hnd2iim6y4phntbn3c6c3", "fullName": "John Posek", "type": "individual", "paymentMethod": { "type": "", "accountId": "0X7B1E4AFE1659FB2FF41E70C89BC03A92895C76FE" } }, "type": "travelRule", "info": { "paymentTxnId": "0x5b5d6e9fb1a4c8f7e9205f59b40c76ecba58f3427b4a3c1a1f7f390000000000", "type": "withdrawal", "direction": "out", "amount": 0.01, "currencyCode": "ETH", "currencyType": "crypto", "amountInDefaultCurrency": 23.798191337458352, "defaultCurrencyCode": "EUR" }, "props": { "customProperty": "Custom value that can be used in rules", "dailyOutLimit": "10000" } }, "score": 0, "review": { "reviewId": "AmXvZ", "attemptId": "iKPbc", "attemptCnt": 2, "elapsedSincePendingMs": 27534, "createDate": "2024-10-01 09:08:23+0000", "reviewResult": { "reviewAnswer": "GREEN" }, "reviewStatus": "completed", "confirmed": false }, "createdAt": "2024-10-01 09:08:23+0000", "scoringResult": { "score": 0, "dryScore": 0, "matchedRules": [ { "id": "660547476b52d214c9d29c8b", "name": "TRI0-pre-tra-rule-inf-exc-gLTR", "revision": 1, "title": "Prepare Travel Rule information exchange", "score": 0, "dryRun": false, "action": "score" }, { "id": "6657029686972147ead159eb", "name": "TRI12-ena-unh-wal-ver-if-no-att-fou-IYZA", "revision": 1, "title": "Enable unhosted wallet verification if no attribution found", "score": 0, "dryRun": false, "action": "score" }, { "id": "66fbbc222c633f3ea10c9dee", "name": "auto-adj-app-sco-dIIv", "title": "[AUTO] Adjust applicant score", "score": 0, "action": "score" } ], "action": "score", "ruleCnt": 6, "dryRunRuleCnt": 0, }, "travelRuleInfo": { "protocolName": "sns", "applicant": { "externalUserId": "1jhdkl44pqyud1kovvfwmm", "fullName": "John Posek" }, "counterparty": { "externalUserId": "hnd2iim6y4phntbn3c6c3", "fullName": "Jack Posek" }, "status": "completed", "applicantVaspId": "66b10acdf6c30965b9ea644d", "counterpartyVaspId": "668d5fb69c98ed620c55ae0d" }, "txnInactive": false }



The finished status will be assigned asynchronously; not in response to the request.

If the request fails, you will receive an HTTP response containing an error code along with a message explaining the error. For example:

{ "description": "Invalid txnId '000000000'", "code": 400, "correlationId": "3773cd5e8ad50ea28fe40553717ffe3a" }
Path Params

Unique transaction identifier in the Sumsub system.

ⓘ If this identifier is unknown to you, use this method to fetch it.

Body Params

Crypto transaction identifier from the blockchain.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!