Create applicant action

Creates an applicant action.


Use this method to create an applicant action for a certain applicant with the required steps configured in the specified verification level.

Add questionnaire action

If you want to include the answers to your questionnaire into the action request, add the questionnaire properties to the body parameters. The questionnaire object should be added to the questionnaires array.

Questionnaire object example:

  "id": "Example_Questionnaire",
  "sections": {
    "section_id_1": { // Section ID
      "items": {
        "item_id_0": { // Item ID
          "values": [ // Item values
        "item_id_1": { // Item ID
          "value": "String Value", // Item values, string
    "section_id_2": { // Section ID
      "items": {
        "item_id_3": { // Item ID
          "value": null // Item values, null
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