Use this method to get the list of applicant actions for a particular applicant.
Get applicant actions by txnId
To retrieve applicant actions linked to a particular transaction, include a unique transaction identifier (kytTxnReference.txnId={txnId}
) from the Sumsub system in your request. By using this parameter, the response will exclusively return applicant actions associated with the specified transaction, excluding all other actions.
Request example
curl -X GET \
Response explained
The response is a JSON file that represents the list of all applicant actions.
Root variables
The root variables represent the list of available applicant actions and their total number.
Field | Type | Description |
items | Array of objects | Each object corresponds to a specific applicant action. |
totalItems | Integer | Total number of all applicant actions. |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the items
element fields representing the attributes and configuration details of applicant actions. Some of the items may include nested attributes and element fields.
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of the applicant action in the Sumsub system. |
createdAt | Date | Date and time (UTC) the action was initiated. |
clientId | String | Unique identifier of you as our client in the Sumsub system. |
externalActionId | String | Identifier of the applicant action on your side. |
applicantId | String | Unique applicant identifier in the Sumsub system. |
review | Object | Represents a review answer with additional information. |
checks | Array of objects | A list of checks performed within this action and their details. |
requiredIdDocs | Object | Contains the docSets array of objects. |
agreement | Object | Contains information about the applicant consent to submitting and processing the personal data. |
paymentMethod | Object | Includes the details of the payment method configured on the action level and used by the applicant. |
paymentSource | Object | Includes the details of the payment source checks. |
images | Array of objects | A list of images attached to the action. |
reviewResult | Object | Contains extra details of the applicant action check result. |
attributesThe following table explains the review
object attributes that represent the details of the applicant action status and check result.
Field | Type | Description |
reviewId | String | Unique identifier of the applicant action review in the Sumsub system. |
attemptId | String | Unique identifier of the current action check attempt. Applicants may initiate several attempts to get verified if, for example, they failed once or changed/added the documents, or you could change the verification level to start another check. |
attemptCnt | Integer | Counting number of the current action check attempt on the same verification level. |
elapsedSincePendingMs | Integer | Elapsed time since the applicant action check passed to the pending status. |
levelName | String | Name of the verification level with the action an applicant has to complete. |
createDate | Date | Date and time (UTC) when the action check was launched. |
reviewResult | Object | Contains extra details of the applicant action check result. |
reviewStatus | String | Indicates the applicant action review status. |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the details of the checks performed within the action.
Field | Type | Description |
answer | String | Indicates the action check result (GREEN , RED , ERROR ). |
checkType | String | Type of check (PAYMENT_METHOD , FACE_LIVENESS , and FACE_MATCH are available). |
createdAt | Date | Date and time (UTC) the applicant action check started in the Sumsub system. |
id | String | Unique identifier of the applicant action check. |
attemptId | String | Unique identifier of the current action check attempt. Applicants may initiate several attempts to get verified if, for example, they failed once or changed/added the documents, or you could change the verification level to start another check. |
errorMessage | String | Message explaining the error if any occurred during the check. |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the element fields of the docSets
array representing specific document sets and their attributes.
Field | Type | Description |
idDocSetType | String | A human-readable identifier of the document set type, for example, IDENTITY , SELFIE , PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE , and so on. |
fields | Array of objects | Includes the objects describing the document data fields that should be filled with personal information to verify the applicant. Each object contains the following attributes:
types | Array of strings | Includes the types of documents that are required for a particular idDocSetType to pass verification. |
videoRequired | String | Method of passing the document upload step that can be set up when configuring a verification level.
captureMode | String | This mode is applied in case the docapture method is used (see the table row above).
uploaderMode | String | This mode is applied in case the docapture method is used.
questionnaireDefId | String | Identifier of the questionnaire that is added to the verification level and is to be or has already been filled by the applicant. |
attributesThe following table explains the details of the applicant consent to the submitting and processing of personal data.
Field | Type | Description |
createdAt | Date | Date and time (GMT) when the applicant confirmed his/her consent to the submitting and processing of personal data. |
source | String | Specifies the source from which the applicant confirmed the agreement (WebSDK , MSDK ). |
attributesThe following table explains the details of the payment method configured on the level and used by the applicant.
Field | Type | Description |
type | String | Payment method type (bankCard , crypto , etc.). |
subType | String | More precise specification of the payment method type. For example, VISA , MASTERCARD for bank cards, BTC , ETH for crypto. |
data | Object | Represents specific payment method details recognized from the documents. requiredIdDoc contains the same information as data for comparison with recognized image data from the end user. |
imageIds | Array of strings | Unique image identifiers. There can be several identifiers if, for example, two sides of the bank card were uploaded. |
attributesThe following table explains the payment method details recognized from the documents.
Field | Type | Description |
firstName | String | First name. |
lastName | String | Last name. |
middleName | String | Middle name. |
number | String | Payment, card, or transfer number. |
issuedDate | Date | Document or card date of issue. |
txnAmount | String | Transaction amount if applicable. |
attributesThe following table explains the details of the payment source checks.
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of the payment source. |
externalId | String | Unique identifier of the payment source on your side. |
createdAt | Date | Date and time the payment source was created. |
deleted | Boolean | Indicates if the payment source is active (false ) or not (true ). |
fixedInfo | Object | Provided information that is related to the payment source. |
info | Object | Extracted information that is related to the payment source. |
checks | Array of objects | Includes the data on the checks performed on the payment source and these checks’ results. |
ownershipChecks | Array of objects | List of ownership checks where each object represents an individual check. |
and fixedInfo
and fixedInfo
attributesThe following table explains the info
and fixedInfo
objects that include the payment source data extracted from the documents and provided data respectively.
Field | Type | Description |
type | String | Payment source type that can be: bankCard , bankStatement , eWallet , and cryptoWallet . |
institutionName | String | Name of the financial institution where an account is held (e.g., Revolut). |
fullName | String | Full name of an account holder (e.g., "Alex Kim"). |
accountIdentifier | String | Unique payment source account identifier. |
validUntil | Date | Date until the account of the payment source is valid (format YYYY-mm-dd , e.g. 2001-09-26 ). |
currencyCode | String | Code of the currency the crypto wallet holds (USDT , GBP , BTC , etc.).Available for the cryptoWallet type. |
cryptoChain | String | Crypto chain name. Specifies the network name to which the token at currencyCode belongs. Empty for native tokens (e.g. for BTC , ETH ). For more information, see chain codes. |
memo | String | Optional field for the cryptoWallet type in blockchain transactions to attach metadata or messages for identification, routing, or compliance purposes. |
) element fields
) element fieldsThe following table explains the details of the payment source checks.
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique identifier of the payment source check. |
createdAt | Date | Date and time (UTC) the payment source check started in the Sumsub system. |
answer | String | Indicates the action check result (GREEN , RED , ERROR ). |
unexpired | String | Indicates if the account of this payment source is valid (GREEN , RED , ERROR ). |
typeMatched | String | Indicates if the type of the payment source matched the data provided (GREEN , RED , ERROR ). |
fixedInfoMatched | String | Indicates if the payment source information matched the data provided (GREEN , RED , ERROR ). |
applicantInfoMatched | String | Indicates if the information in the applicant profile matched the data of the payment source account (GREEN , RED , ERROR ). |
unmatchedFields | Array of strings | Includes the applicant profile data fields that do not match with the data of the payment source account. |
bankCardRiskScoreInfo | Object | Includes the information related to the risk score of the bank card. |
attributesThe following table explains the information related to the risk score of the bank card.
Field | Type | Description |
riskScore | Double | Risk score based on a system analysis of the information provided. |
binInfo | Object | Information that relates to the card and the issuing bank. |
attributesThe following table explains the information that relates to the bank card and the issuing bank.
Field | Type | Description |
brand | String | Brand of the payment network (e.g., VISA , Mastercard ). |
issuer | String | Name of the card issuer, usually a bank name. |
type | String | Card type (e.g., debit , credit ). |
country | String | Country where the card was issued. Presented as an alpha-3 country code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on). |
virtual | Boolean | Indicates if the bank card is virtual (true ) or a standard plastic one (false ). |
prepaid | Boolean | Indicates if the bank card is prepaid (true ) or a standard one (false ). |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the element fields of the ownershipChecks
array where each object represents an individual check.
Field | Type | Description |
createdAt | Date | Date and time when the check was created. |
type | String | Indicates this is the unhostedWallet check. |
unhostedWallet | Object | Includes specific details about the wallet. |
atributesThe following table explains the unhostedWallet
object attributes that represent specific wallet details.
Field | Type | Description |
provider | String | Provider that provides a service for checking (reown for now). |
type | String | Type of checking (signature for now). |
signatureMessage | String | Signature message. |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the images
element fields including the information about each document image and the review result regarding the specified image.
Field | Type | Description |
addedDate | Date | Date and time (UTC) when the image was uploaded. |
imageHash | String | Checksum of the uploaded image file. |
imageFileName | String | Name of the image file. |
resizedImageId | String | Unique identifier of the resized image. |
mimeType | String | Image file mime-type. The full list of mime-types and file formats, you can find in our FAQ (See the answer to What file extensions do you accept?). |
imageId | String | Unique image file identifier. |
actualResolution | Object | Includes the actual width and height of the image in pixels. |
answer | String | Indicates the image check result (GREEN , RED , ERROR ). |
comments | String | Comments added to the image data. |
idDocDef | Object | Additional information on the document. |
attributesThe following table explains the idDocDef
attributes representing the additional information about the document.
Field | Type | Description |
country | String | Alpha-3 code (for example, DEU , GBR , ARG , and so on) of the country where the document was issued. |
idDocType | String | Type of document that is specified in the level to be provided for verification. For example, PASSPORT , SELFIE , VIDEO_SELFIE , PAYMENT_METHOD and so on.See the list of supported document types for details. |
idDocSubType | String | FRONT_SIDE , BACK_SIDE or null. |
attributesThe following table includes the reviewResult
attributes explaining the action check result details.
Field | Type | Description |
reviewAnswer | String | Explains the verification step review result.
moderationComment | String | Human-readable comment that explains the reasons for rejection, and that can be shown to the applicant. |
clientComment | String | Human-readable comment that explains the reasons for rejection, and that must not be shown to the applicant. |
reviewRejectType | String | Indicates the type of rejection.
rejectLabels | Array of strings | Includes one or more reasons for rejection. The field is available if reviewAnswer returns RED .For more details, see Temporary rejection and Final rejection clarification. |
Response example
"list" : {
"items" : [ {
"id" : "5dd3f15704f9400000000000", // applicant action identifier
"createdAt" : "2019-11-19 13:42:47",
"applicantId" : "5dd3d58304f9400000000000",
// ...
}, {
"id" : "5dd3d94153d4860000000000", // applicant action identifier
"createdAt" : "2019-11-19 12:00:01",
"applicantId" : "5dd3d58304f9400000000000",
// ...
} ],
// total number of applicant actions (even if a limit is provided)
"totalItems" : 213
You can see an example of the single action structure on the following page.