Action verification statuses

Learn about the statuses of action verification.

The following table explains the verification statuses that an applicant action may have during its lifecycle.

initThe action is created and the verification process is launched. At this moment, the initial registration has started but not all required documents are uploaded.

For example, the applicant started to fill out a form on your web site or you have just created the action via API.
pendingThe action is ready to be processed. It means that required documents are uploaded, the action contains necessary information and is now in a queue, waiting to be checked.
precheckedThe check is half-way finished. At this step, the action is created and the uploaded documents have passed the initial quick check.

For example, the system found and rejected a document photo due to its poor quality and then ceased verification to save time and resources on continuing validation of the entire action data. If the quick check did not find anything obviously wrong, verification continues.
queuedThe checks are in progress.
completedThe check has been completed, and the review answer is given whether the action is approved or rejected.
onHoldAssistance from a compliance expert is required, and/or the action has been delegated to an administrator for manual check based on the criteria set by you.

For example, some data is incorrect or there are documents of the type you want to check on your side only, and so on.