Get AllDocs results by applicant ID

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Use this method to get AllDocs results by applicantId.

Request example

curl -X GET \ ''

Response explained

The response is a JSON file that includes structured data from all the documents uploaded to the applicant profile.

applicantIdStringUnique applicant identifier in the Sumsub system.

This identifier is a random combination of 24 digits and lowercase Latin characters. It is automatically generated when the applicant profile is created on the Sumsub side.
docsArray of ObjectsRepresents a list of documents uploaded by the applicant.

docs element fields

The following table explains the element fields of the docs array that represents a list of documents uploaded to the applicant profile.

idStringUnique document identifier.
allDocsPresetNameStringPreset that was used for AllDocs verification.

Mind that presets are created and edited for you by Sumsub experts. You can view them in read-only mode.
imageIdsArray of stringsIncludes a list of identifiers for all uploaded documents.
questionnaireIdStringUnique identifier of the questionnaire.
questionnaireSectionIdStringIdentifier of the questionnaire section that represents a separate group of questions added to the questionnaire..
questionnaireItemIdStringIdentifier of the questionnaire section item that stands for a single question added to the questionnaire.
fieldsArray of objectsList of parameters and corresponding values that define the allDocsPresetName configuration.

fields element fields

The following table explains the elements of the fields array.

nameStringName of the field that stands for a parameter included into the allDocsPresetName configuration.
valuesArray of stringsValue or values of the field with the corresponding name.

Response example

{ "applicantId": "674d7e0e728e9476b1566ce0", "docs": [ // A list of documents. { "id": "674d7e2b738e9475b1566d14", // Document ID. "allDocsPresetName": "sourceOfFunds", "imageIds": [ "1135780909" ], "questionnaireId": "sofWithCustomName", "questionnaireSectionId": "firstTitle", "questionnaireItemId": "sofImage", "fields": [ // Fields depend upon the 'allDocsPresetName' configuration. { "name": "docType", "values": [ "transferConfirmation" ] }, { "name": "ownerName", "values": [ "John Doe" ] }, { "name": "issuedDate", "values": [ "2023-04-03" ] } ] } ] }
Path Params

Unique applicant identifier in the Sumsub system.

This identifier is a random combination of 24 digits and lowercase Latin characters. It is automatically generated when the applicant is created on the Sumsub side, and can be found in the Dashboard.

If the applicantId is unknown to you, use the Get applicant data (externalUserId) method to fetch it.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!