Standalone crypto analysis

Initiates a standalone crypto analysis.

Table of contents


Use this method for standalone crypto analysis.

In standard circumstances, you create an action with transaction information to perform a crypto check for the specified applicant. However, if it is impossible to bind a crypto transaction to an applicant, use the standalone method instead.

Upon a successful request, you will receive a response containing transaction data and information on the transaction risk score.



The result of this request is not stored as an applicant action in the Sumsub system. Save the retrieved data object on your side if necessary.

Request example

curl -X POST \
    '' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
            "direction": "deposit",
            "txn": "cb68af8c91b6e8ac284f7370effd176f13c62f79c8e8fb6b2f890e802f5dd191",
            "address": "1JWF1vJyyxxWJ27T9G3kStyFUGp47hvKiP",
            "currency": "BTC"

Response explained

The response is a JSON file that represents the data object including transaction details and information related to the transaction risk score.

data attributes

addressStringTarget address hash.
txnStringTransaction hash.
timeDateDate and time when the check started according to the answer from Crystal (our established partner).
updatedAtDateDate and time when the check result was updated according to the answer from Crystal. The result can be updated if it was not instantly received due to asynchronous requests.
amountDoubleAmount of funds sent within a transaction (in a currency used by an applicant).
fiatDoubleAmount of funds in a fiat currency.
fiatCodeStringAlpha code (ISO 4217) of the fiat currency.
directionStringOperation type of the transaction: withdrawal or deposit.
riskscoreDoubleTransaction risk score.
signalsObjectA set of the entity types the transaction may belong to. For example, Darknet Service, Gambling, Online Marketplace, and so on.

Attributes in signals show the current percentage of transactions/exchanges with particular connections.
statusStringCheck status that was received from Crystal:
  • ready — all values are calculated.
  • pending — the transaction is in the mempool.
  • updating — the values are being calculated.
  • missed — was not found in Crystal databases.
  • failed — the transaction failed.
  • new — the transfer has not been processed by Crystal servers yet due to high workload. This transfer will be processed soon.
riskyVolumeDoubleRisky funds amount within the transaction.
riskyVolumeFiatDoubleRisky funds amount within the transaction in the fiat currency.

signals attributes

Attributes in signals show the current percentage of transactions/exchanges with particular connections.

Signal nameDescription
atmCryptocurrency ATM operator.
child_exploitationOrganization which operates via darknets and is suspected of child abuse and exploitation.
dark_marketOnline marketplace which operates via darknets and is used for trading illegal products for cryptocurrency.
dark_serviceOrganization which operates via darknets and offers illegal services for cryptocurrency.
enforcement_actionThe entity is a subject to legal proceedings. Jurisdiction will be annotated as a subtype.
exchange_fraudulentExchange that was involved in illegal activity.
exchange_licensedOrganization that is licensed to provide exchange services.
exchange_unlicensedOrganization that is not licensed to provide exchange services.
gamblingOnline resource offering gambling services using cryptocurrency.
illegal_serviceResource offering illegal services or engaged in illegal activities.
liquidity_poolsSmart contracts where tokens are locked for the purpose of providing liquidity.
marketplaceEntity offering legal services/trading goods for cryptocurrency.
minerOrganization which utilizes its computing power for mining cryptocurrency blocks.
mixerService for mixing funds from different sources to make tracing them back harder or almost impossible. It is mostly used for money laundering.
p2p_exchange_licensedOrganization that is licensed to provide P2P exchange services.
p2p_exchange_unlicensedOrganization that is not licensed to provide P2P exchange services.
paymentService which acts as an intermediary between customers and the company which provides services for making a payment.
ransomExtortioners demanding payment in the form of cryptocurrency.
sanctionsOrganization that is found in sanctions lists.
scamEntities that have scammed their customers and taken possession of their cryptocurrency.
seized_assetsIn the crypto seized by the government, the default Risk Score is 0%.
stolen_coinsEntities which have taken possession of someone else’s cryptocurrency by hacking.
terrorism_financingOrganization which operates via darknets and is involved in terrorism financing with cryptocurrency.
walletService for storage and making payments with cryptocurrency.
otherNone of the specified entities above. It may include a subtype.

Response example

  "data": {
    "address": "1JWF1vJyyxxWJ27T9G3kStyFUGp47hvKiP",
    "txn": "cb68af8c91b6e8ac284f7370effd176f13c62f79c8e8fb6b2f890e802f5dd191",
    "time": "2019-10-08 14:33:27",
    "updatedAt": "2020-10-23 06:39:15",
    "amount": 643000000,
    "fiat": 5285897,
    "fiatCode": "usd",
    "direction": "deposit",
    "riskscore": 0.284,
    "signals": {
      "atm": 0,
      "dark_market": 0.037,
      "dark_service": 0.001,
      "exchange_fraudulent": 0.052,
      "exchange_mlrisk_high": 0.125,
      "exchange_mlrisk_low": 0.645,
      "exchange_mlrisk_moderate": 0.025,
      "exchange_mlrisk_veryhigh": 0.044,
      "exchange": null,
      "gambling": 0.002,
      "illegal_service": 0,
      "marketplace": 0,
      "miner": 0.008,
      "mixer": 0.01,
      "payment": 0.021,
      "ransom": 0,
      "scam": 0.001,
      "stolen_coins": 0.014,
      "trusted_exchange": null,
      "wallet": 0.011
    "status": "ready",
    "riskyVolume": 76265848.67075664,
    "riskyVolumeFiat": 626957
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!