Client lists

Create your own lists of information to block, allow, or review matching applicants or transactions.

With client lists, you can manage flexible sets of values to create verification flows and transaction monitoring rules, blocklist or whitelist applicants, manage workflows in Workflow builder, and many other.

How it works

Lists can be categorized based on their purpose and type:

  • Lists by purpose
    • Custom lists — multipurpose lists for exclusive or duplicate profiles.
    • Blocklists — for applicants to be blocked within your project.
    • Whitelists — for applicants that cannot be blocklisted within your project.
  • Lists by type
    • Value. Refers to the trigger configured in the applicant workflow, such as the country, age, or previous verification results. Applicants with defined values will be processed in accordance with the list type. Mind that value-based list types are only available if the applicant flow is enabled and configured.
    • Applicant IDs. Include 22 character alphanumeric Sumsub applicant IDs.
    • Emails. Include email addresses.
    • Fingerprints. Include unique blockchain identifiers or device distinctive marks.

The purpose and key type you select will be used to create a unique identifier for the list.

Each time you create a transaction monitoring rule or verification flow, you can use items from client lists as triggers for auto-decline, switching between verification levels, delegation, and many other.

Default lists

Sumsub offers the following ready-made empty lists that allow you to either block or allow certain actions:

  • Dangerous BTC wallets. A Bitcoin wallet address is a combination of letters and numbers used to perform Bitcoin transactions.
  • Dangerous currencies. Money launderers often use crypto currencies to buy Credit, Virtual Chips, or In-Game Currency and cash it after a couple of transactions. So you can create a rule that would put transactions involving assets from your list on hold and assign a human expert to review these.
  • Risky payment details. Some payment methods are more vulnerable in terms of fraud than the other. Creating a list of the ones you want double-checked will help you reduce chargeback while keeping the friction low.

Custom lists

You can create your own lists that contain items of a specific type of information. The types of lists that you can create (but not limited to) are:

  • Lists of custom values — string-based or value-based lists that can contain IP Addresses, case-sensitive strings, Card BINs, countries, etc.
  • Applicant ID lists that include 22 character alphanumeric Sumsub applicant IDs.
  • Emails lists that include email addresses.
  • Device fingerprints lists that include unique blockchain identifiers.

These lists can be used to automatically reject any activities for a specific group of applicants (blocklists), to create groups of applicants that cannot be blocklisted (whitelists), or for any other purpose you can think of (custom).

To create a list:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Client lists page.
  2. Click Create list and provide a list title and optional description.
  3. Select a key type to be used as a trigger and choose a list type.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Populate your list by entering a reference value, depending on the list type. For example, an applicant ID, email address, and so on.



When processing the information from the client lists Sumsub considers the letter case. This means that if the items inside the list are capitalized against grammar rules, there is a chance they will not be processed correctly.

Items in the FATF Grey flag countries list are provided as 3-letter country codes, which are usually capitalized as they are treated as abbreviations. These abbreviations will be normally processed by Sumsub. Items in the Risky payment details list are provided as plain text, so no capitalization is required or allowed.

Manage lists

You can manage lists as follows:

  • Import lists. Lets you import an existing list from a CSV file.
  • Edit list description. Lets you adjust your existing list description.
  • Remove any list that you have configured previously. Lets you declutter your environment by removing lists that are no longer in use.

Secure your services by adding suspicious applicants to control network

With client lists, you can prevent fraudsters and forgers from repeatedly accessing your products and services.

Sumsub provides two types of blocklists:

  • Internal blocklist. Maintained by your operators and officers. When blocklisting applicants, they are automatically added to the autogenerated My Default Blocklist list.
  • Global blocklist. Fully maintained by Sumsub.



To be able to blocklist suspicious applicants, your account must be granted the Blocklist applicants permission.

To add applicants to My Default Blocklist:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Applicants page and open an applicant profile. Make sure that all checks are completed and no one but you is currently reviewing the profile.
  2. Initiate a manual check.
  3. In the Actions block, select Blocklist. If the button is inactive, the applicant is already added to the Sumsub global blocklist.
  4. Decline or approve the applicant to finalize the check.

Create conditions in Workflow Builder

Workflow builder lets you use items from client lists as triggers for auto-decline, switching between the verification levels, delegation, and many other:

  1. Start using Workflow builder and build your flow.
  2. Add a Condition node and a review decision based on your list type. For example, you can select Rejected as a review decision for blocklists and Approved for whitelists.
  3. Select the fields to be checked. For example, if you want to reject applicants from high-risk countries, you may want to set your condition as Rejected and add the following: If Field: -> Is in -> Field: clientLists.risk_countries.
  4. Proceed with setting up all the branches of your flow accordingly and publish it when done.

Prevent risky transactions

Client lists allow you to extend your transaction monitoring rules making them more tractable.

Most often lists can be used to block, allow, or put on hold transactions coming from a specific source.

Sumsub offers you the default lists that you can use, but you can also create as many of them as you need. For example, you may want to create rules using a list of fraudster emails to automatically block all transactions coming from applicants with specified emails.

To use lists in transaction monitoring rules:

  1. Set up a rule.
  2. Add a Condition node to include your list. For example, if you want to auto-reject transactions that involve high-risk currencies, you can set your condition as follows: If -> Field:> Is in -> Field: clientLists.dangerous_currencies.
  3. Proceed with adding other conditions or actions to your rule if needed and save the revision when done.
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