Add additional documents to applicant profile

Secure verification by uploading additional documents of your applicants.

Adding extra documents helps streamline the verification process. It provides more information and context for verifying the applicant, making it easier to confirm applicant's identity. Adding additional documents can also help enhance security measures and prevent identity fraud or misuse of personal information.

Get started

To add additional documents:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Applicants page.
  2. Scroll down to the Add Documents and Fields section.
  3. To upload the file, click Add photos.
  4. After uploading, new fields Select country and Select option will appear next to the file.
  5. Select the country where the document was issued and a document type.
  6. Click Upload to save information, or you can click Cancel to start again and make changes.
  7. To run a manual check, go back to the top to the Review panel and click Start manual check.



For manual check, make sure that all of the listed documents have been uploaded.