Data transfer statuses

Track and interpret the state of the Travel Rule messages.

The following is a list of possible data transfer statuses.

UI statusAPI statusDescription
Awaiting counterpartyawaitingCounterpartyThe counterparty was successfully identified and the data has been sent. Awaiting a response from the counterparty.
CancelledcancelledThe counterparty was identified, and the data was sent. However, the counterparty decided to decline the transaction, be it by the rules or manually, and not to proceed with it.
CompletedcompletedData exchange completed.
Counterparty mismatched personal datacounterpartyMismatchedDataThe counterparty cross-checked the data we provided against their records and reported a mismatch.
Counterparty unconfirmed ownershipcounterpartyUnconfirmedOwnershipFor outbound transactions, the counterparty was identified, and the data was successfully sent. However, the counterparty returned a negative response regarding wallet ownership verification.
Counterparty VASP not foundcounterpartyVaspNotFoundThe counterparty VASP could not be identified.
Counterparty VASP not reachablecounterpartyVaspNotReachableThe counterparty is not reachable: although the counterparty has been identified, no response has been received.
ExpiredexpiredThe counterparty was identified, and the data was sent. However, no response was received from the counterparty within the expected timeframe. The confirmation timeout settings can be adjusted in the Transactions and Travel Rule -> Settings -> General tab.
FinishedfinishedThe blockchain transaction ID has been updated in the Completed transaction record. This status always follows the Completed status.
OnHoldonHoldFor inbound transactions, wallet ownership has been confirmed. Review the customer details and confirm or decline the data match.
Unconfirmed ownershipunconfirmedOwnershipFor inbound transactions, you confirmed that the wallet does not belong to you.
Counterparty declines the transactioncounterpartyVaspGeneralDeclineFor inbound and outbound transactions, the counterparty declines the transaction. Mostly applicable when dealing with counterparties on connected protocols.