Receive verification results

Understand verification statuses, associated webhooks, and rejection labels.

During verification, we send you several types of webhooks, one of which is the applicantReviewed webhook containing the verification results.



  • For production mode, it is required to configure a webhook endpoint to be called by us when necessary.
  • We may send several final webhooks, so be prepared to change the applicant status on your side accordingly. A typical example is when an applicant got approved, but later on they were detected as a fraudster, and therefore we block them with a second RED webhook. For more information about rejection, see this article.
  • On sandbox mode, checks will not be started automatically, which means webhooks will not be sent. You can request us to start the process manually, or trigger the webhook yourself. Once the integration is complete and you have moved to the production environment, the webhooks will be sent automatically once verification is completed.

Check applicant status manually

To manually check the applicant status, use this API method.

We do not recommend using polling as a base method for getting verification results, but rather strongly encourage the webhook mechanism.

Missed webhook

If, for some reason, you missed the webhooks, do not worry — we make a note of everything that was attempted to be sent, and can resend failed webhooks at any point in time. If the webhook request fails, we attempt to resend it four times — after 5 minutes, 1 hour, 5 and 18 hours until request succeeds. Check the createdAt field of the webhook payload to make sure that you are getting relevant applicant status.

Check webhook statuses

You can monitor webhook statuses and resend them manually on the API Health page.