Review questionnaire answers
Analyze questionnaire results and make a complete profile of your applicants.
As soon as the applicant completes the questionnaire, all of the answers and uploaded files are added to their profile.
There are two ways of how to view the answers:
Review answers in the Dashboard
To check the answers in the Dashboard:
- Open the Applicants page and filter your applicants by the level name to which you assigned the questionnaire.
- Select any applicant profile and open the Questionnaire section to see the submitted answers.
Review answers via API
You can get the answers and files via this API method (see the questionnaire section).
Items with the type of
contain theimageId
value that you can use to fetch the uploaded files.
The following is a response example:
"id": "applicantId",
"createdAt": "2024-10-15 14:05:35",
"key": "yourKey",
"clientId": "yourClientId",
"inspectionId": "someId",
"externalUserId": "userId",
"info": {},
"fixedInfo": {
"residenceCountry": "USA"
"applicantPlatform": "Web",
"authCode": "authCodeValue",
"agreement": {
"createdAt": "2024-10-15 14:05:42",
"acceptedAt": "2024-10-15 14:05:42",
"source": "WebSDK",
"recordIds": [
"requiredIdDocs": {
"docSets": [
{ // Questionnaire is required to applicant
"idDocSetType": "QUESTIONNAIRE",
"questionnaireDefId": "ExampleQuestionnaire"
"review": {
"reviewId": "someId",
"attemptId": "someId",
"attemptCnt": 1,
"elapsedSincePendingMs": 240,
"elapsedSinceQueuedMs": 240,
"reprocessing": true,
"levelName": "basic-kyc-level",
"levelAutoCheckMode": null,
"createDate": "2024-10-15 14:07:49+0000",
"reviewDate": "2024-10-15 14:07:50+0000",
"reviewResult": {
"reviewAnswer": "GREEN"
"reviewStatus": "completed",
"priority": 0
"lang": "en",
"type": "individual",
"questionnaires": [ // Questionnaire data from applicant
"id": "ExampleQuestionnaire",
"sections": { // Questionnaire sections
"section1Id": {
"score": 0.0,
"items": { // Questions within the section
"dateId": {
"value": "2024-10-10"
"phoneNumberId": { // Question ID
"value": "+447400123456" // Client answer to the question
"shortAnswerWithFormat": {
"value": "[email protected]"
"countryId": {
"value": "GBR"
"shortAnswerId": {
"value": "John Doe"
"section2Id": {
"score": 24.0, // Sum of the question's risk scores in the section
"items": {
"dropdownId": {
"value": "drop_option1Id",
"score": 5.0,
"dataScores": [
"value": "drop_option1Id",
"score": 5.0 // Client answer's risk score if applicable
"paragraphId": {
"value": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud "
"dateAndTimeId": {
"value": "2024-10-15T16:07"
"checkboxesId": {
"values": [
"score": 12.0,
"dataScores": [
"value": "check_option2Id",
"score": 12.0
"multichoiceId": {
"value": "radio_option1Id",
"score": 7.0,
"dataScores": [
"value": "radio_option1Id",
"score": 7.0
"section3Id": {
"score": 0.0,
"items": {
"consentId": {
"value": "true"
"fileUploadId": {
"value": "381914678"
"multiFileUploadId": {
"values": [
"score": 24.0 // Total questionnaire risk score
API example answers to each type of questions
Each questionnaire section is represented by its own unique ID and contains:
— the sum of all question risk scores within the section.items
— the object with questions within the section.
Below, you can see the example answers to each type of questions as they are shown in the API response.
Text answers
// Plain text answer
"shortAnswerId": {
// Answer in the expandable text area.
// The same as a short answer in terms of API response representation.
Variant answers
// Response includes:
// • 'values' — IDs of selected checkbox items.
// • 'score' — total score of all selected items.
// • 'dataScores' — score of each checkbox item selected by the applicant.
// Response includes:
// • 'value' — ID of the selected radio button item.
// • 'score' and 'dataScores' — score of the selected item. The only difference is that 'dataScores' also contains the 'value'.
// Response includes:
// • 'value' — ID of the selected dropdown item.
// • 'score' and 'dataScores' — score of the selected item. The only difference is that 'dataScores' also contains the 'value'.
Phone number submission
// Applicant selects a country code and enters the phone number, which is then converted into a single string in the response.
Country select
// Applicant selects a country from the drop-down list by its full name, which is then converted into the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code.
// Applicant selects several countries from the drop-down list by their full names, which are then converted into the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code.
File upload
// Contains the 'imageId' value that you can use to fetch the uploaded file.
// For cases when multi upload is allowed.
// Contains the 'imageId' values that you can use to fetch the uploaded files.
Date and time
// Selected date is represented in the 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
// Selected date and time are represented in the 'yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM' format:
Consent (Agreement)
// If the applicant approves the consent in the questionnaire.
// If the applicant declines the consent in the questionnaire and that consent is optional.
Optional question with no answer
// If the question is optional and the applicant does not provide the answer, the field contains no value.
"shortAnswerId": {}
Updated 4 months ago