Conditional node variables

Build conditions effectively with the help of pre-programmed variables.

The Workflow builder's conditional nodes help you easily manage verification flows depending on a certain criteria.

This article lists all the conditional node variables available for selection. Some of the variables have nested attributes and elements.



Fields correlating to the products that you did not enable on your account will not be available.

Root variables

The table below outlines root variables that are the most essential fields of the conditional nodes.

applicantBranch of items related to information about an applicant.
poi, poi2, poi3, poi4Fields identifying the proof of identity document conditions.
poa, poa2Items associated with the proof of address document.
deviceFields including information about an applicant's device.
questionnairesQuestionnaire item values nested by questionnaire, section, and then item id. E.g. questionnaire["myQuestionnaireId"]["mySectionId"]["myItemId"]
clientListsField identifying client lists by name.
checksItems including the Background checks information.
randomField standing for a random value from 0.0 to 1.0.


idApplicant ID.
externalUserIdValue you passed to externalUserId during applicant creation, usually applicant id on your side.
createdAtApplicant creation date.
fullNameApplicant's full name.
countryApplicant's country as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-3.
countryOfBirthApplicant's country of birth as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-3.
infoInformation extracted from documents or external databases.
fixedInfoBasic applicant information as provided to the Sumsub SDK/API.
reviewApplicant's review.
sourceKeyApplicant's source key.
derivativesVarious information derived from an applicant.
metadataApplicant's metadata.
riskLabelsApplicant risk labels.
riskLabelstagsApplicant tags.
assessmentApplicant assessment.
emailApplicant's email information.
phoneApplicant's telephone data.
emailDomainApplicant email's domain name.
typeApplicant entity type: individual or company.
agreementApplicant agreement data.

poi, poi2, poi3, poi4

countryCountry where an identity document was issued (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
idDocTypeIdentity document type.
numberIdentity document number.
additionalNumberIdentity document additional number.
dobDate of birth of an identity document owner.
nationalityNationality of an identity document owner.
placeOfBirthPlace of birth of an identity document owner.
issuedDateDate of an identity document's issue.
issueAuthorityAuthority that issued an identity document.
issueAuthorityCodeUnique code of the authority that issued an identity document.
validUntilValidity date of an identity document.
validityPeriodValidity period of an identity document.
firstIssuedDateDate of an identity document's first issue.
metadataMetadata related to an identity document.
addressAddress specified in an identity document.
categoryIdentity document category, e.g., category of a driver's license.
nfcNFC information on an identity document.
fullMrzMachine-Readable Zone lines separated by the (\n) symbol.

poa, poa2

countryCountry where the proof of address document was issued (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
idDocTypeDocument type.
numberDocument number.
metadataMetadata related to a proof of address document.
addressAddress specified in a proof of address document.
detectedLanguagesList of languages detected in a proof of address document specified in the format of 2-letter codes (ISO 639-1).


ipCountryAn IP Address country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
ipStateCodeA code of the state or region pointed by IP.


poaProof of address information (UTILITY_BILL).
poa22nd proof of address information (UTILITY_BILL2).
companyBusiness verification information.
personWatchlistWatchlists matching an applicant.


timestampUnix timestamp in milliseconds.
yyyymmddNumeric day in YYYYMMDD format, e.g. 20230123.
monthMonths of the year (start from 1).
dayOfMonthDay of the month (starts from 1).
ageInYearsTime delta in years between this date and now.
ageInDaysTime delta in days between this date and now., applicant.fixedInfo

countryApplicant's country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
countryOfBirthApplicant's country of birth (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
firstNameApplicant's first name.
firstNameEnTransliterated first name.
middleNameApplicant's middle name.
middleNameEnTransliterated middle name.
lastNameApplicant's last name.
lastNameEnTransliterated last name.
genderApplicant's gender (M or F).
nationalityApplicant's nationality (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
taxResidenceCountryApplicant's Tax Residence Country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
residenceCountryApplicant's Residence Country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
ageApplicant's age.
addressApplicant's address.
companyInfoCompany information (Business verification).
tinApplicant's Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.
phoneApplicant's telephone data.

levelNameApplicant level.
decisionReview of the decision.
reviewAnswerReview of the answer.
attemptCntNumber of attempts.
rejectLabelsList of rejection labels.
buttonIdsList of button ids.


estimatedAgeApplicant's estimated age.


emailEmail risk labels.
phonePhone risk labels.
deviceDevice risk labels.
crossCheckCross-check risk labels.
selfieSelfie risk labels.
amlAML risk labels.
personPerson risk labels.
companyCompany risk labels.


scoresApplicant's risk assessment score that is calculated via the transactions monitoring tags.


numberApplicant's phone number.
countryPhone number's country.


individualIndividual applicant.
companyCompany applicant.


createdAtDate and time (GMT) when the applicant confirms their consent to the submitting and processing of personal data.


millisValidity period of a document in milliseconds.
daysValidity period of a document in days.
hoursValidity period of a document in hours.
minutesValidity period of a document in minutes.
secondsValidity period of a document in seconds.


countryCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
formattedAddressAddress in an human-readable format.
stateName of the state or region if applicable.
townName of the town if applicable.
streetName of the street if applicable.
subStreetName of the sub-street if applicable.
postCodePost code if applicable.


fullMrzFull MRZ data.

checks.poa, checks.poa2

companyTypeProof of address company type.
subTypeProof of address sub type if applicable.

answerThe answer on the business verification results. The possible items for the field are: GREEN, RED, YELLOW, IGNORED, ERROR.


matchStatusesWatchlist match statuses for the person. The possible statuses are: unknown, no_match, potential_match, false_positive, or true_positive., applicant.fixedInfo.companyInfo

countryCompany's country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
typeType of entity.
companyNameCompany's name.
registrationNumberCompany's registration number.

approvedDecision identifying that an applicant has been approved.
rejectedDecision identifying that an applicant has been rejected.
resubmissionDecision identifying that an applicant has been returned for resubmission.,

IGNOREDCheck was skipped.
GREENSuccessful result of the verification and/or check.
YELLOWThere are some warnings regarding the verification and/or check.
REDViolations were found.
ERRORError occurred during verification.

Elements of

FORGERYForgery attempt was recognized.
CRIMINALApplicant is involved in the illegal actions.
DOCUMENT_TEMPLATESubmitted documents are templates downloaded from the internet.
LOW_QUALITYDocuments have low-quality that doesn't allow definitive decisions to be made.
SPAMApplicant was created by mistake or is just a spam user (irrelevant images were supplied).
NOT_DOCUMENTSubmitted documents aren't relevant for the verification procedure.
SELFIE_MISMATCHApplicant's photo (profile image) doesn't match a photo on the provided documents.
ID_INVALIDDocument that identifies a person (like a passport or an ID card) is not valid.
DOCUMENT_DEPRIVEDApplicant has been deprived of the document
FOREIGNERRejection label associated with the applicants from an unsupported country or e.g. without a residence permit.
DUPLICATEApplicant has multiple accounts while duplicates aren't allowed by the regulations.
BAD_AVATARApplicant's avatar doesn't meet the client's requirements.
WRONG_USER_REGIONApplicant from a region/country which is not allowed to be registered.
WRONG_ADDRESSAddress from the applicant's documents doesn't match the address entered by them manually.
INCOMPLETE_DOCUMENTSome information is missing from the document, or it's partially visible.
BLACKLISTApplicant is blocklisted by Sumsub.
BLOCKLISTApplicant is blocklisted by a client.
OTHERThere is some unclassified reason of rejection.
UNSATISFACTORY_PHOTOSThere were problems with the photos during verification, like poor quality or masked information.
GRAPHIC_EDITORDocument has been edited by a graphical editor.
DOCUMENT_PAGE_MISSINGSome pages of a document are missing (if applicable).
DOCUMENT_DAMAGEDDocument is damaged.
DIGITAL_DOCUMENTDocument is digital and cannot be accepted
REGULATIONS_VIOLATIONSSome violations of the regulations were found.
INCONSISTENT_PROFILEData or documents of different persons were uploaded to one applicant.
PROBLEMATIC_APPLICANT_DATAApplicant data doesn't match the data in their documents.
ADDITIONAL_DOCUMENT_REQUIREDAdditional documents are required to pass the check.
AGE_REQUIREMENT_MISMATCHAge requirement is not met (e.g. can't rent a car to a person below 25yo).
REQUESTED_DATA_MISMATCHProvided information doesn't match with the data recognized from a document.
EXPERIENCE_REQUIREMENT_MISMATCHApplicant doesn't have enough experience (e.g. driving experience is not enough).
COMPROMISED_PERSONSApplicant doesn't correspond to Compromised Person Politics.
PEPApplicant belongs to the PEP category.
ADVERSE_MEDIAApplicant was found in the adverse media.
FRAUDULENT_PATTERNSThere was fraudulent behavior detected during the verification.
SANCTIONSApplicant was found on the sanction lists.
NOT_ALL_CHECKS_COMPLETEDNot all of the checks were completed.
FRONT_SIDE_MISSINGFront side of the document is missing.
BACK_SIDE_MISSINGBack side of the document is missing.
SCREENSHOTSApplicant uploaded screenshots.
BLACK_AND_WHITEApplicant uploaded black and white photos of their documents.
INCOMPATIBLE_LANGUAGEDocument's translation is required.
EXPIRATION_DATEApplicant uploaded an expired document.
UNFILLED_IDApplicant uploaded the document without signatures and stamps.
BAD_SELFIEApplicant uploaded a selfie in poor quality.
BAD_VIDEO_SELFIEApplicant uploaded a video selfie in poor quality.
BAD_FACE_MATCHINGFace check between a document and a selfie was failed.
BAD_PROOF_OF_IDENTITYApplicant uploaded a poor quality ID document.
BAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSApplicant uploaded a poor quality proof of address.
BAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTApplicant uploaded a poor quality proof of payment.
SELFIE_WITH_PAPERSpecial selfie is required (e.g. selfie with a piece of paper and date on it).
FRAUDULENT_LIVENESSThere was an attempt to bypass liveness check.
OKCustom reject label.
COMPANY_NOT_DEFINED_STRUCTUREEntity's control structure wasn't defined.
COMPANY_NOT_DEFINED_BENEFICIARIESEntity's beneficial owners weren't identified and duly verified.
COMPANY_NOT_VALIDATED_BENEFICIAL_OWNERSNot all beneficial owners have passed the identity verification procedure.
COMPANY_NOT_VALIDATED_BENEFICIARIESEntity's Beneficiaries weren't validated.
COMPANY_NOT_VALIDATED_DIRECTORSNot all directors have passed the identity verification procedure.
COMPANY_NOT_DEFINED_REPRESENTATIVESEntity's representatives weren't defined.
COMPANY_NOT_VALIDATED_REPRESENTATIVESEntity's representatives weren't validated.
UNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTDocument either doesn't fit the required type or lacks obligatory elements, like seal, apostille, or notary certification.
OUTDATED_DOCUMENT_VERSIONBased on the publicly available state company register, not the most recent version was provided.
COMPANY_NOT_DEFINED_OWNERSHIP_STRUCTURECompany ownership structure hasn't been specified or differs from the one declared by the corporate documents.
COMPANY_INACTIVE_ENTITYAccording to the publicly available state company registry, the entity is inactive / dissolved / deregistered.
COMPANY_INCORRECT_DATAProvided company attributes like Name, Registration, or Tax Number don't match the provided documents or the state company registry.
APPLICANT_INTERRUPTED_INTERVIEWApplicant refused to finish the interview on the video ident call.
DOCUMENT_MISSINGApplicant refused to show or didn't have required documents on the video ident call.
UNSUITABLE_ENVApplicant is either not alone or nor visible on the video ident call.
CONNECTION_INTERRUPTEDVideo Ident call connection was interrupted.
UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGEVideo Ident' applicant do not speak language common to operator.
THIRD_PARTY_INVOLVEDVideo Ident applicant trying to pass verification to pass account to a third party.
INCORRECT_SOCIAL_NUMBERIncorrect TIN/SSN was provided to perform the check.
CHECK_UNAVAILABLEExternal database service is not available at the moment.
DB_DATA_NOT_FOUNDData not found in external database.
DB_DATA_MISMATCHInput/document data does not match data from external database.

Elements of

mediumRiskMedium-risk email address.
highRiskHigh-risk email address.
disposableTemporary email address which is provided by a disposable email service and usually expires in a few minutes.
noWebRegistrationsEmail registration is not detected.
noWebsiteExistsEmail domain does not exist.
nonDeliverableMessages fail to be delivered to this email address.
invalidEmailEmail address is invalid.

Elements of

mediumRiskMedium-risk phone number.
highRiskHigh-risk phone number.
virtualVirtual phone that allows a user to make calls through the internet and is not associated with a physical location.
noWebRegistrationsPhone number registration is not detected.
disposableDisposable phone.

Elements of applicant.riskLabels.device

vpnUsageVPN usage is detected.
multipleDevicesMultiple devices were used.
multipleMobileDevicesMultiple mobile devices were used.
lengthySessionSession is too long.
failedSessionContinuationSession was interrupted.
distantIpLocationsLogin from different and distant IP addresses for a short time interval.

Elements of applicant.riskLabels.crossCheck

diverseIdDocCountriesIdentity documents issued in different countries.
manyAccountDuplicatesLots of account duplicates are created.
accountsInManyServicesThe same account is registered in different services.
addressCountryVsIpCountryMismatchPhysical address in the country mismatches the country IP address.
idDocCountryVsIpCountryMismatchIdentity document country mismatches the country IP address.
exifCountryVsIdDocCountryOrIpCountryMismatchCountry detected by EXIF mismatches either the document country or the country IP address.

Elements of applicant.riskLabels.selfie

asleepPerson in the selfie is actually asleep.
forcedPerson is coerced into verification.
multipleFacesMultiple faces are present.
estimatedAgeMismatchEstimated age mismatches the age in documents.
virtualCameraPresentVirtual (a software-based) camera that simulates a physical camera is detected.
manyAttemptsNumerous attempts of passing a selfie check.
sameFaceWithDifferentDataThe same face on documents with different data.

Elements of applicant.riskLabels.aml

pepApplicant belongs to the PEP (Politically Exposed Person) category.
sanctionsApplicant was found in sanctions lists.
terrorismApplicant is suspected of terrorism.
crimeApplicant is suspected of criminal activity.
adverseMediaApplicant compromising published information that is related to the user was found in the media.
fitnessProbityApplicant does not comply with Fitness and Probity regime. The core function of the Fitness and Probity Regime is to ensure that individuals in key and customer facing positions are competent and capable.

Elements of applicant.riskLabels.person

famousPersonApplicant is supposedly a famous person.
strangeNameApplicant has a strange name that does not seem to be a real one.
noPhoneNamesFromWebServicesNo phone names are found in web services.
phoneNameMismatchFromWebServicesName mismatch with the names associated with the phone number.
noEmailNamesFromWebServicesNo email names are found in web services.
emailNameMismatchFromWebServicesName mismatch with the names associated with the email address.

Elements of

companyAdditionalDataNotFoundCompany data not found in the database.
companyDataMismatchCompany data doesn't match the database data.

Elements of applicant.assessment.scores

tagApplicant tag.
scoreApplicant score.

checks.poa.companyType, checks.poa2.companyType

There are the main types of companies that issue proof of address documents. New values can't be added.

governmentOrganizationGovernment organization company type.
utilityProviderUtility provider company type.
bankBank company type.
mobileOperatorMobile operator company type.
otherOther company type.

subType, Elements of possibleSubTypes

There are extended POA subtypes listed in the table below. New values creation is available as an additional service: ADVANCED_POA_TYPE_DETECTION.

statementStatement proof of address subtype.
voterRegistrationVoter registration proof of address subtype.
taxBillTax bill proof of address subtype.
telecomTelecom proof of address subtype.
utilityBillUtility bill proof of address subtype.
bankStatementBank statement proof of address subtype.
bankLetterBank letter proof of address subtype.
leaseLease proof of address subtype.
otherOther proof of address subtype.