Applicant risk labels

Be aware of the risk level of your applicants.

Risk labels are assigned during verification and indicate certain characteristics of an applicant.

To see the risk labels:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Applicants page.
  2. Open an applicant profile and scroll down to the Risk labels section.

Email risk labels

Email risk labels are associated with email and phone verification.

Label API name Description
Medium risk email
mediumRisk A verdict made by the system according to the check results and internal logic.
High risk email
highRisk A verdict made by the system according to the check results and internal logic.
Disposable email
disposable Temporary email address that usually expires after a short period of time.
No registrations on Web services found
noWebRegistrations Email address registration is not detected.
No website exists
noWebsiteExists Email domain does not exist.
nonDeliverable An email address to which the messages cannot be delivered.

Phone risk labels

Phone risk labels are associated with email and phone verification.

Label API name Description
Medium risk phone
mediumRisk A verdict made by the system according to the check results and internal logic.
High risk phone
highRisk A verdict made by the system according to the check results and internal logic.
Virtual phone
virtual A virtual phone number is a number not associated with any physical location, allowing to make calls via internet.
Disposable phone number
disposable A temporary phone number that usually expires after a short period of time.
No registrations on Web services found
noWebRegistrations Phone number registration is not detected.

Device risk labels

Device risk labels are associated with devices used by applicants to pass verification.

Label API name Description
VPN usage
vpnUsage Detects whether VPN connection is used.
Multiple devices were used
multipleDevices Informs whether the applicant uses multiple devices (>1 device).
Multiple mobile devices were used
multipleMobileDevices Informs whether the applicant uses multiple mobile devices (>1 mobile platform).
Lengthy onboarding session
lengthySession The session lasts too long (>=10 minutes).
Failure to continue on another device
failedSessionContinuation The session was interrupted.
Devices from distant IP locations were used
distantIpLocations Login from different and distant IP addresses for a short period of time.

Cross check risk labels

Cross check risk labels are associated with the cross-checks based on matching different applicant data.

Label API name Description
Diverse countries in ID documents
diverseIdDocCountries Identity documents were issued in different countries.
Many duplicates exists
manyAccountDuplicates Lots of account duplicates are detected (>=3 accounts from one source; one client and one source key).
Accounts in many other services
accountsInManyServices The same account is registered in different services (>=5 accounts in different sources).
Mismatch between applicant address and IP country
addressCountryVsIpCountryMismatch The physical address does not meet the IP address.
Mismatch between ID document country and IP country
idDocCountryVsIpCountryMismatch ID document country mismatches the country IP address.
Country of photo creation is different from IP and ID document countries
exifCountryVsIdDocCountryOrIpCountryMismatch Country of photo creation is different from IP and ID document countries.

Selfie risk labels

Selfie risk labels are associated with selfies.

Label API name Description
Forced verification
forced The person is coerced into verification.
Persons seems to be asleep
asleep The person in the picture is asleep.
Multiple faces on selfies
multipleFaces There are multiple faces present in the photo.
Estimated age is different from the age on the ID document
estimatedAgeMismatch The estimated age does not match the age indicated in documents.
Usage of virtual cameras
virtualCameraPresent A visual software simulating real camera is detected.
Many attempts to submit a selfie
manyAttempts There were too many attempts of passing a selfie check (>5 selfie attempts).
There are person with the same face but different name or other data
sameFaceWithDifferentData Supposedly different data in documents with the same faces detected.

AML risk labels

AML risk labels are associated with AML screening and monitoring.

Label API name Description
PEP Applicant belongs to the PEP (Politically Exposed Person) category.
sanctions Applicant was found in sanctions lists.
terrorism Applicant is suspected of terrorism.
crime Applicant is suspected of criminal activities.
Adverse media
adverseMedia Compromising information related to the applicant was found in the media.

Person risk labels

Person risk labels are assigned when the applicant has certain characteristics as per the following table.

Label API name Description
Famous person
famousPerson Indicates an assumption that the applicant is a famous person.
Strange name
strangeName Applicant name seems to be not a real one.
No phone names found in web services
noPhoneNamesFromWebServices No phone names found in web services.
Name mismatch with the names associated with the phone
phoneNameMismatchFromWebServices The provided applicant name does not match the names found by the specified phone number.
No email names found in web services
noEmailNamesFromWebServices No email names found in web services.
Name mismatch with the names associated with the email
emailNameMismatchFromWebServices The provided applicant name does not match the names found by the specified email address.