Fraud Network Detection webhooks

Fraud network detection webhooks are used during detection of fraud networks.

applicantFraudNetworkCreatedNew applicant fraud network has been created.
applicantFraudNetworkModifiedExisting applicant fraud network has been modified, and a new applicant has been added to this network.

Payload attributes

The following is a collection of attributes present in webhooks.

applicantIdStringA unique applicant identifier.
inspectionIdStringA unique inspection identifier.
correlationIdStringA unique identifier of the event.
externalUserIdStringA unique user identifier on your side.
typeStringThe webhook type.
sandboxModeBooleanSet to true if the webhook was sent from Sandbox.
createdAtMsDateDate and time when the webhook was created (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff, e.g. 2021-05-14 16:00:25.032) in UTC.
applicantTypeStringThe applicant type: company or individual.
networkIdStringA unique network identifier.



We do not send any personal data via webhooks. You can fetch all recognized data using this API method.

Payload examples

This section lists a collection of webhooks that you may receive during fraud network detection.



If you are not receiving webhooks, try to check your endpoints using SSL Labs or Docker.


The following example indicates a new applicant fraud network has been found and created in the Sumsub system so you can review its data.

  "correlationId": "b3b36df441a7abad9a0273e1aea5da2d",
  "sandboxMode": false,
  "type": "applicantFraudNetworkCreated",
  "createdAtMs": "2024-01-18 13:52:24.273",
  "networkId": "650aadad5cdb1a75752debd8"


The following example indicates an existing applicant fraud network has been modified. As for now, it is triggered by only one event — a new applicant has been added to the network.


"applicantId": "6504778dac791c5a518a7be0",
  "applicantType": "individual",
  "correlationId": "69458feae9006998068fbae934d242f2",
  "sandboxMode": false,
  "externalUserId": "level-675510d3-0369-40ea-b15e-2d406c7678b5",
  "type": "applicantFraudNetworkModified",
  "createdAtMs": "2024-01-18 13:34:32.897",
  "clientId": "coolClientId",
  "networkId": "650aadad5cdb1a75752debd8"