Verify ID documents

Learn how to effectively verify customers.

Start ID verification with the default settings or configure individual verification to meet your particular business needs:

  1. Set up ID verification settings to meet your business specifics and set proof of identity check settings to specify conditions upon which documents should be considered expired.
  2. Specify required ID documents to determine which documents of which countries must be accepted as proof of identity (PoI).
  3. Configure ongoing document monitoring to ensure your applicants submit active documents.
  4. Select name comparison mode to compare the name that applicants enter manually with the name in their documents.
  5. Configure AML screening criteria to determine types of compromising published information and cases when you want to be notified if your applicants are found in sanctions lists and watchlists across the globe.
  6. Conduct verification and create personalized flows in Workflow builder.

Set up ID verification settings

To set up ID verification settings:

  1. In the Dashboard, open the ID verification page.
  2. Set the acceptable age range and birth date format for your applicants.
  3. Define how you want to treat duplicate accounts.
  4. Configure ID document expiry settings. You can select whether to respect the validity period or accept expired documents under certain conditions.
  5. Set the minimum residual validity of ID documents. You can select to accept all valid documents or set the minimum period (in months) they must remain valid to be accepted.
  6. Save your changes.

Select name comparison mode

Configure comparison mode to be used when comparing applicant names:

  1. In the Dashboard, open the Data comparison page.
  2. Set up address comparison mode.
  3. Set up name comparison mode. If you select Fuzzy, set up the fuzzy threshold.
  4. Choose whether you want to ignore middle name mismatches or not.
  5. Save your changes.

Verify your applicants

Start verifying your applicants:

  1. Create a verification level.
    1. Add Identity document as your required verification step. You can also add Selfie as a second step to ensure your applicants submit documents that belong to them and not someone else.
    2. Choose document types to be uploaded by your applicants.
    3. Select a capture method, which can be either a file upload or live capture. We recommend leaving the capture method blank so that applicants will have the option to upload documents using both methods.
  2. Set up WebSDK and MobileSDK integration or use the Sumsub API.
  3. Conduct verification and handle verification results.


Did you know?

With the WebSDK 2.0, you can use both the Non-Doc Verification and the Identity document verification in the same step. For more information, see this article.

Create robust flows in Workflow builder

Use Workflow Builder to set up a process of ID verification.

Let's say you want to accept documents coming from a particular country:

  1. Add a level node referring to your verification level.
  2. Add a conditional node and set the review decision as Approved.
  3. Build your condition as follows: IF Field: -> equals -> Value: <Country name>.
  4. Proceed with setting up all the branches of your flow and publish it when done.